Natural Contraception
What is natural contraception?
Natural contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy based on the time of a woman's period of sexual intercourse. This is not a single method but consists of many different methods.
What factors affect the success or failure of natural contraception?
The success or failure of natural methods of contraception depends on your ability to:
Identify signs of impending ovulation.
Do not have sex during the time of conception, or use other methods during this time, such as using condoms, etc.
How effective is the natural contraceptive method in contraception?
Natural contraception is not as effective as other methods of contraception
Women should not get pregnant due to health conditions.
Women have irregular menstrual cycle (because it's hard to know when the fertile period is)
Women with abnormal bleeding, vaginitis, cervicitis (these conditions make mucus monitoring methods unreliable)
Women are being treated for certain medications (such as antibiotics, medications for thyroid disease, antihistamines) because these drugs can alter the natural discharge of the vagina, making it difficult to recognize.

Women with certain health problems that aren't related to fertility, such as a fever, can change body temperature.
When does ovulation occur?
In most women, ovulation occurs about 2 weeks before the expected menstrual period. Eggs after ovulation, still able to conceive within 24 hours. Sperm can live in female body for 3 days or more.
What are the types of natural contraception?
Natural contraception has 5 methods:
Methods for monitoring body temperature.
Methods for monitoring cervical mucus (ovary mucus)
The heat-control method (symptothermal method).

Method to track calendars.
Amenorrhea due to lactation (when breastfeeding).
What is the method of monitoring body temperature?
The method of monitoring body temperature is based on the fact that most women will have a slight increase in body temperature immediately after ovulation occurs. Women who apply this method must monitor and record body temperature every morning before getting out of bed. This way, they can detect when the body's temperature rises, a sign of ovulation that has just occurred. To perform this method, a woman must record daily body temperature. Body temperature may be affected by fever, poor sleep, or changing schedules. Couples using this method should not have sex between the time of the end of menstruation and after the 3-day increase in temperature (3 days after ovulation).

Illustrative image: body temperature monitoring table
What is the method of monitoring cervical mucus (ovulation mucus)?
The cervical mucus monitoring method is a method of tracking changes in the nature and quantity of mucus secreted in the cervix, thereby learning to recognize changes in mucus characteristics around the time. Ovulation. To do this, women must regularly monitor the characteristics of vaginal mucus, and be aware of changes.
Most women have a short dry period immediately after the end of their period. A sticky mucus will then appear. Immediately before ovulation the mucus becomes wet and slippery. The last day of this wet discharge is called the peak day, and usually coincides with the time of ovulation. After this day, the mucus may become sticky again or disappear, and the feeling of dryness will return.

The safety period is 10 to 11 days at the end of the cycle, and dry days (if any) immediately after the end of menstruation. The period of being easy to conceive (The stage of avoiding the relationship if you want to avoid pregnancy) begins with the first signs of mucus and lasts up to 4 days after the peak.
What is the control method?
The control method is a combination of the body temperature monitoring method and the ovulation monitoring method. In addition to monitoring your body temperature and the nature and quantity of cervical mucus daily, people who apply this method also need to check for other signs of ovulation such as:
Abdominal pain or cramping.
Changes in the position and stiffness of the cervix.
This method requires you not to have sex from the day you notice the first signs of fertility (mucus or wetness) until 3 days after the body's temperature rises, or 4 days after the peak of wet and slippery discharge.
What is the method for tracking a calendar?
This method of tracking your calendar is also known as a method of tracking your menstrual cycle.

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