12 Common Methods Of Contraception
What are the considerations when choosing contraception?
To choose an appropriate contraceptive, consider the following:
Contraceptive effect like?
Easy to use?
Is a doctor's prescription required?
Ability to prevent sexually transmitted diseases?
The pathology is acquired?
Is gynecological examination necessary when choosing contraception?
Most contraceptives can be used without a gynecological examination, except for intrauterine devices, vaginal diaphragms and cervical caps.
If you already have sex, you need to have a pregnancy test and test for sexually transmitted diseases before using contraception.
Which contraceptive method is most effective?
The table below shows all contraceptives and their effectiveness.
Table 1. Contraceptive effectiveness
Contraceptive effect (pregnancy rate / 100 women)
<1/100 Contraceptive implants ———- Effective for 3 years; contains hormones Uterine device ———- Have a lot of type; Effective for many years Sterilization, ———- Methods of permanent contraception 6-9 / 100 Oral contraceptives ———- Inject every 3 months; contains hormones Oral contraceptives ———- Contains hormones; There are many types Contraceptive patches ———- Contains hormones Vaginal ring ———- Contains hormones 12-24 / 100 Male condom ———- Help prevent HIV infection Cervical hat ———- Low effectiveness in women who have given birth Sponge ———- Low effectiveness in women who have given birth Diaphragm for vaginal discharge ———- Must be reset after birth Woman condom ———- Help prevent HIV infection 28/100 Spermicide ———- There may be an increased risk of HIV infection in some cases HIV: human immunodeficiency virus, IUD: intrauterine device Other measures, including avoiding ovulation and amenorrhea, can be used during the first 6 months after birth

What is oral contraceptive pills?
Birth control pills are pills that contain hormones that work to prevent pregnancy, and should be taken at a fixed time each day. There are many types of birth control pills. Your doctor can help you choose the right kind of birth control pill. If you forget to take your medicine, you need to know how to handle it. Read the attached user guide or contact your doctor.
What is a contraceptive patch?
The contraceptive patch is a small patch (about 11cm²) that is applied to the skin. The hormone in the birth control patch will be slowly released into the body through the skin

What is the vaginal ring?
The vaginal ring is an elastic plastic ring, containing hormones placed deep into the vagina, the hormone will release into the body. The ring is placed in the vagina for 21 days straight, then the ring is removed for 7 days. During this period, menstruation will occur. Then repeat by placing new loops.
What is contraceptive injection?
Hormonal contraceptives will be injected into the arm or butt every 3 months.
What is a implant?
The contraceptive implant is a small plastic stick of a matchstick containing the hormone that is inserted into the subcutaneous organ of the forearm. Hormones will be released slowly, effect contraception for 3 years.
What is an intrauterine device?
An intrauterine device is a small, T-shaped plastic device that is inserted into the uterine cavity.

What is spermicide?
Are chemicals inserted into the vagina that can inactivate sperm. There are many types of spermicides: foam, gel, cream, sheet (thin film), pill (solid can dissolve as soon as the vagina is put).
Regular use of spermicide may increase your risk of getting HIV from an infected partner. Spermicides should only be used in cases of low risk of HIV infection.
What is a condom?
Condoms come in two forms for women and for men.

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