Family Planning By Natural Methods
What is family planning using natural methods?
Natural family planning is a method of determining when you can have sex without becoming pregnant. During the menstrual cycle, there will be some changes in a woman's body. By observing these changes, it is possible to know when to have sex and when to avoid getting pregnant or not having a desired pregnancy. During each menstrual cycle, a woman's ovary releases an egg, a condition called ovulation. Eggs move into the uterus through the uterus, the uterus is where fertilization can occur
Mechanism of natural family planning?
Currently, there are 2 methods of natural family planning.

The other is the method of measuring body temperature. With this method, a woman measures her daily temperature with a thermometer and draws a chart. At the time of ovulation, the woman's temperature will rise slightly more than usual (about 0.5 ° C or 9 ° F)

In both methods, use charts to track changes in a woman's body.
Contraceptive effectiveness of natural methods?
These methods will help prevent pregnancy if the user is instructed by a specialist and follow all the instructions (your doctor will help you find experts to guide this method, that is). those who have received specialized training to guide the natural family planning method). When done properly, these 2 methods can be 90-98% effective (only 2 to 10 pregnant women in every 100 women use this method). However, if you do not follow the instructions completely, this method is very effective. In fact, this method is not as reliable as the other methods of contraception.
Can natural family planning help pregnant couples?
Of course possible. For every 3 couples with normal fertility, 2 will get pregnant if they have sex on the clearest and most enduring cervical mucus.

The method is based on the menstrual cycle?
This method calculates an ovulation date based on a woman's previous menstrual periods. This method does not allow the user to base on any normal changes in the body during the menstrual cycle. This method is not as reliable as the cervical mucus determination method and the body temperature measurement method and is usually not recommended. However, women who have their periods can use this method to determine when to ovulate (usually on the 14th day of their cycle).
For women who have irregular cycles or are breastfeeding?
Irregular menstrual periods are a very common phenomenon (both longer and shorter than 28 days). Women who have irregular periods can determine when they ovulate by checking for changes in their body.
Special guidelines are now available for breastfeeding women. Ask your doctor about these guidelines if you are breastfeeding.

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