What is an intrauterine device?
An intrauterine device (IUD), a small, T-shaped device, is attached to the end of the device with a string (this cord will be pulled out of the cervix so that it can be checked periodically. Are you still in the right place?). The intrauterine device is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUD insertion is possible during visits. The intrauterine device will remain in the same position as the uterus until it is removed
IUDs are also known as past IUDs. Called the "ring" because in the 80s and 90s our country used a type of intrauterine device that is like a ring. In fact, there are many other types like the S-shaped, the T-shaped, and currently the most common T-type

The mechanism of action of the intrauterine device?
The contraceptive mechanism of an intrauterine device is to prevent sperm from coming into contact with the egg. An intrauterine device makes the sperm unable to meet the egg and changes the endometrium. There are 2 types of intrauterine devices: a copper intrauterine device and an endocrine intrauterine device. The copper type releases copper to prevent pregnancy, while the intrauterine device contains the hormone that works by releasing the progestin hormone.
Advantages of intrauterine device?
IUD has many advantages:
Highly effective contraception (once placed, effective contraception until the ring is removed).
The duration of contraception is from 5 to 10 years.
Not too expensive
Very convenient (it is not necessary to remember as daily pill during birth control by taking birth control pills).

The doctor may remove the intrauterine device at any time.
Effective immediately.
Little side effects.
Can be used safely for women who are breastfeeding.
Even you and your partner cannot feel it.
Disadvantages of intrauterine device?
Mild spasms and back pain may occur for the first few hours after the device is placed in the uterus. In some cases, bleeding and abdominal pain may occur within a week or two of the intrauterine device. Menstruation may be more than usual if you use copper-based intrauterine devices.

An old type of intrauterine device (which has been out of use for a long time) has some serious side effects: pelvic infection and infertility (difficulty getting pregnant after removal of a intrauterine device). However, these side effects are very rare for later generation intrauterine devices.
Uterus devices cannot protect you from sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). The more people you have sex with, the higher your risk of getting STIs. Using a single intrauterine device is the best way for women to have a long-term relationship with only one partner. In addition, intrauterine devices should not be used in pregnancy, abnormal vaginal bleeding or cervical or uterine cancer. You should also not use copper-containing intrauterine devices if you are allergic to copper.

How long does the effect of the intrauterine device last?
That depends on each type of intrauterine device. For copper-containing intrauterine devices, the effect can last for 12 years. As for endometrial-containing intrauterine devices, they need to be replaced every 5 years. Your doctor may remove an intrauterine device at any time if you decide to become pregnant or when you no longer want to use it.
How to monitor intrauterine device?
After placing the intrauterine device, you can swim, exercise, use tampons and have sex right away. At any time of the menstrual cycle, the intrauterine device can be checked by inserting a clean finger into the vagina. Call your doctor if you do not feel the insertion of the intrauterine device or the feeling of the intrauterine device in the vagina. These cases show that the intrauterine device is not in the right position and needs to be replaced.

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