A Series Of Facebook Accounts Are Locked: The Restoration Of The Risk Of Personal Data

The series of Facebook accounts are temporarily locked 30 days due to violations of community standards showing that, if the user is not cautious in sharing links, comments or chat, it can take this social network account. Account recovery is not simply. Many Facebook accounts are locked in the last 2 days, which may involve sharing, spreading sensitive clips. In two days of 17 and 18/8, a series of accounts Facebook received the notice of this social network, said it would temporarily lock the account for 30 days because these accounts violated the world's largest social network of social networks. According to the row of goods The locked account series may involve the spreading behavior of sensitive clips that are considered by a juvenile couple

. Before that, on Facebook spread this sensitive clip. After the clips are spread, on many assigned groups, articles on this topic are constantly shared and attracted great attention from the network user. However, soon after, a series of accounts received The announcement will be temporarily locked for 30 days due to Facebook standard violations
This social network also adds, users have 30 days to objection, otherwise the account will be permanently disabled.Facebooks also note: "Our review team currently has fewer human resources due to Effect of Corona pandemic. So we may not approve all requests and how we handle the review process have changed ". According to Nguyen Manh Hung Information Technology Specialist, Facebook temporarily locked a user account Community standards are constantly happening. However, this is the number of accounts locked at a large scale due to violating the issue of the strict community standards of Facebook regarding the spread of nude, depraved, sexual activities, especially of juvenile children. Also according to this expert, many users when participating in Facebook are often less interested in the social standards of this social network. Meanwhile, Facebook has a clear community standard involved in a variety of problems from agitation violence, safety standards for users, objectionable content such as nude photos, operations sex. To avoid losing your facebook account, according to expert Nguyen Manh Hung, users should carefully understand the community standards of Facebook, especially in the situation, Facebook uses artificial intelligence system to scan micro Pham is based on available data, personnel only conducts review for artificial intelligence cases that are suspicious or handling complaints from users. "Usually, only when violating, locked accounts , New users are interested in community standards. At that time the account recovery is not simple because it takes a long time, the ability to retrieve the account is not high, especially when violating community standards related to adolescents ", Hung divided professionals Sharing today, online, there are many services that regain the lost facebook account with specific costs
Along with that, users must provide additional information such as citizen identification, identity card or passport. However, according to Nguyen Manh Hung expert, users should consider carefully by recovering Facebook accounts in this way quite a lot of money, not to mention the risk of high-sensitive personal data.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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