About Visiting Uncle Ton’s Childhood Souvenir

Trong Tin - Have the opportunity to An Giang, to the souvenir area of President Ton Duc Thang in Cu Lao Mr. Ho (My Hoa Hung Commune, Tp. Long Xuyen) visits the souvenir home, visit the temple and learn about the meeting life, body, career, revolutionary operation process of President Ton Duc Thang. Uncle Ton - the elite child of An Giang hometown, the loyal soldier of the Communist movement and international workers, a leader of the party, of our nation, the revolutionary life of the revolutionary Uncle Ton is a bright example of loyalty or dedication; about the spirit of Dung and indomitable; About Germany humble, simple. Uncle dedicated life for the revolutionary career of the Party, of the Vietnamese nation, for the Communist movement and international workers

. Uncle honor was the first to be awarded the National Assembly and President Ho Chi Minh to the Golden Star Medal - the most noble medal of our State. President Ho Chi Minh affirmed: "Comrade Ton Duc Thang is a revolutionary moral exemplary, lifetime of need, savings, saving, main, lifelong life, full of revolutionary service, serving the people "This, even though Mr. Sun went away but with a warm affection, the worm of the love of his hometown for Uncle Ton was still there
Souvenir house in childhood where Uncle Ho was born and mature, where personality formed, Hun casting patriotism, the spirit of revolutionary struggle of the leader of the South People in particular and the people Water is generally always preserved and carefully carefully. This house is released by Mr. Ton Van De, his body was built in 1887 in the style of the South Southern floor architecture, the floor of tiles and decorations for Melaleuca wood , roofing tiles with an area of 156m2 (12m horizontal, 13m long). In 1932, the house was religious by Uncle Duc's fourth younger brother, Mr. Ton Duc Nhung repaired some damaged places, but still kept the same as the original state. The President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vo Thi Anh Xuan and the delegation The work of visiting Southern Souvenirs of President Ton Duc Thang in April-2021 (Photo: Thu Thao) so far, inside the house still keeps the set of photos of Uncle Ton; The helmet type helmet Uncle Ton often lies in a young age; a worshiping cabinet and careful sheets in the main space of the house; A photo of Uncle Ton's 18-year-old, a photo taken in the Vietnamese battlefield when Uncle Ton served the Chairman of the Lien Viet Front sent to the family, behind the image with the words "Glasses for the old mother and children , on 24-7-1951 "below the line is Uncle Ton's signature. The house on the left side is about 10m, there are 3 bamboo bushes because Mr. Ton Van is planted at birth at the time so far still green . Behind the house about 50m is the grave area. This is a resting place of Uncle Ton and his wife Ton Duc Nhung, his fourth younger brother
Uncle Ton's souvenir home has passed many times to restore and repair but still preserve the status quo as the original session. In 1984, the souvenir house was the lack of President Ton Duc Thang was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information (now the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Tourism). Special value in history and culture with the elite child of An Giang hometown and is a place to commemorate Uncle Ton's great merit in the career of national liberation and construction of the country, party, main An Giang's rights and people have built a souvenir more than 6ha right away opposite Uncle Ton's souvenir home with many categories, such as: Square, memorial temple, showers ... integrated with the park , Green trees and rivers create a cool green landscape system. Besides, there are also a model of "safe area" where Uncle Ho stayed and worked since the end of 1952 to July 1954, in Trung Yen commune (Son Duong district, Tuyen Quang province). Liberation "that Uncle Ton has controlled, bringing some comrades in the Party leaders and revolutionary officials to land after 15 years of imprisonment in Con Dao. Giang scene is a means to bring Uncle Ho from Long Xuyen to visit the hometown in Cu Lao Mr. Ho in October 1975 and the Yak-40 aircraft No. 452 has brought Uncle Ho from Hanoi to Saigon to attend the Meeting Festival Celebrating the liberation of the South, unifying the country ... and many materials and artifacts are vivid, introducing the entire life and the career of Uncle Ton. Currently, the souvenir and souvenir house The childhood of Chairman Ton Duc Thang became a familiar place not only with all An Giang countryside, but also for domestic and foreign tourists. To the souvenirs and souvenirs of the president of the president Ton Duc Thang, we are not only visiting the peaceful and peaceful scenery of Cu Lao Song Nuoc, but also to review life, body, career, The revolutionary operation process and Uncle Ton's great dedication. Thereby, we are more respectful, deeply grateful, determined to study, follow Uncle Ton, a revolutionary moral exemplary, lifetime needs, savings, saving, main, wholeheartedly, very serving Fatherland, serving people. Credits

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