Afghan Women Voiced The Taliban Challenge

Before the statement ensures Taliban's equal rights, some women in Afghanistan are skeptical, affirming to do everything to not lose their freedom to struggle for 20 years. 17/8, at the press conference First after taking over Kabul, the spokesman for the Taliban Zabihullah Mujahid, said women will have the right to educate, health care and work. The spokesperson asserted that women would "happy" in the framework of Sharia Islamic Law, according to Reuters. Especially when referring to the issue of women working in the media field, Mujahid said it will depend Go to the law enacted by the new government in Kabul. On the day, the Taliban spokesman for the first time television waves with the female journalist of private TV Tolo

. However, many people fear those claims will be different Absolutely compared to this force's action. "The time was changed," Khadija - the person who executed a religious school for girls in Afghanistan - said. "Taliban knows that they cannot cover us
If they cut the internet, the whole world will know in less than 5 minutes. They will have to accept who we are and what we have become ". Cars carrying women and children in the Herat province of Afghanistan on August 1. Photo: Ap. Activities for educating Afghan girls Pashtana Durranium also wary of the Taliban's promise. "Saying to go in hand with doing it. But they didn't do it now, "she said with Reuters. "If they limit the curriculum, I will download the book to the online library. If they restrict the Internet, I will send books to your home. If they limit the teacher, I will hold a school secretly "
Some people believe that the Taliban's commitment to the equal rights will show it in whether this force has assigned to women with inter-work Looking at politics and policy making. The United Nations Children (UNICEF) expresses cautious optimism about cooperating with Taliban officials when seeing signs of supporting girls' education of this organization. However, according to a statement on August 15, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guuterres expressed its special interest "to the future of women and girls, the group of people needed to be protected "Therefore, in early July, the Taliban asked 9 women working at the commercial bank in Kandahar to leave the office with the explanation of their work" inappropriate ". Instead, the Taliban said they could bring their relatives as men to the place.Theo Reuters, under the rule of the Taliban since 1996 to 2001, women do not work, girls do not go to school . Women have to cover face and if they want to leave their homes, they have to go with a men who are male. These people violate the rules sometimes suffered humiliation and beat publicly by the Taliban's religious police. Phuong Linh

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