Afghanistan: Taliban Approached Kabul Capital, President Ghani Announced It Would Resign

Just a few hours after Taliban approached the capital of Kabul, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani announced that he would resign and transfer peaceful power. Taliban volume was entering the capital of the Kabul capital of Afghanistan and announced an expectation "Transfer of peace" with government forces, not to use force, AP news agency said 15-8, three officials Taliban told AP that this force was in Kalakan, Qarabagh and Paghman districts Kabul province, just outside the capital of Kabul capital. "The lives, property and dignity of anyone will not be harmful and the life of Kabul citizens will not be threatened," the Taliban stated in one Declaration. Taliban volume and people supporting this force celebrate after the Taliban entered Jalalabad City. Photo: AFP Speech of the Taliban, Mr

. Suhail Shaheen told Al Jazeera news agency that force "expects a peaceful transfer in Kabul TP". He refused to provide information about the ability to negotiate between the Taliban and the Afghan government. A Afghan government official said the Taliban forces on August 15 are progressing to the presidential mansion to discuss the transfer of rights force
There is no information about when the transfer can be done. Afghan defense minister Bismillah Khan has reassured people when saying that the government delegation in Doha (Qatar) was given the right to negotiate with the Taliban And "an agreement on Afghanistan" can be achieved on August 16. However, Al Arabiya news agency said President Ashraf Ghani announced it would resign. The Ministry of Home Affairs Afghanistan announced that there will be a transfer of peace, non-violent power. The Afghan Interior Minister, and a scholar at a defense research facility in the US, Mr. Ali Ahmad Jilali will return The head of the Afghan's interim government. Before that, President Ghani on August 14 had the first public speech since the Taliban approached Kabul quickly. Mr. Ghani was supposed to have no longer been able to make a military selection after the important characters he ever negotiated in fled or surrendered Taliban. The gun was recorded in some places in Kabul But Mr
Ghani still reassured that the situation "is being controlled". In Afghan's largest city, only Kabul is not about the control of the Taliban. When the border area almost falls into the Taliban hand, the only way left for those who want to avoid conflicts in Afghanistan are through the airport in Kabul. Only a few hours after the Taliban controls Jalalabad, close Kabul, the Boeing Ch-47 Chinook helicopters have continuously landed near the US Embassy to evacuate the employees working for the US delegation. Diplomats are taken by armored vehicles. In the area with the Embassy of the US and other countries, smoke columns are increasingly dense when diplomats try to burn sensitive documents, avoid Fall into Taliban hands. German

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