Afghanistan: Taliban Takes Control Of 2 More Cities

The head of the Provincial Council - Mr. Bakhtiar Gul Zadran on August 14 said the Taliban gunmen controlled Sharan city, located in the east of Paktika province. Taliban gunmen on the street after capturing Kandahar City, Afghanistan on August 13, 2021. Photo: AFP / TTXVN Replement of the press, Mr. Zadran said: "Sharan city fell into the Taliban's hand this morning

. Thus, at the present time, all areas of Paktika province are under the check. Control of the Taliban ". All officials of the province mentioned above have come to a military base
However, Mr. Zadran did not give detailed information. The Taliban's spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid also confirmed that the Taliban controlled Sharan city. Before that a few hours, the US news agency led local sources to say Taliban teams have won the Logar provincial control, located in the southeast of Kabul capital. According to A Afghanist, the Taliban's gunmen set up control across the province, including the provincial capital. Taliban is only less than 80km away from Kabul capital. Binh Binh (VNA)

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