American Soldiers Support Women, Children Afghanistan Through Kabul Airport Wall

A girl who was lifted through the high wall put into the high wall inside Kabul's airport in the context of the Afghanistan people trying to evacuate after the Taliban declared the victory of the game. Downloading on Social Network on August 19 showed a small girl who was lifted up, taken through a high barrier wall and moved into a US soldier from the crowd crowds outside Kabul airport. The United States then supported a woman Afghanistan who was trying to climb through the wall into the airport. Not clearly that she was put inside the airport to reunite with his family or simply be delivered to others in The effort took her to a flight left Afghanistan.When was asked about the video, British Defense Minister Ben Wallace said the London government could not evacuate children without adults with the Afghanistan: "We Cannot evacuate the minor children alone "

.00: 00/00: 36 women and children Afghanistan are lifted by American soldiers through a high wall and stroke A At Kabul airport. Source: Youtubetheo Reuters news agency, the video showing the despair of many Afghan people before the fear of the Taliban Muslim movement returned to control the country. Thousands of Afghan people tried to go to Kabul airport Find ways to military and civil flights to fly abroad
The incident causes chaos, some people are even killed and injured while Taliban members have arms shot only to control the crowd. America also stationed there to control the situation At the airport while evacuation continues to take place. The statue at Kabul airport has caused attention worldwide, raising the question of whether the outside countries are obliged to receive Afghan people Fleeing because of fear of being persecuted or not. Hundreds of people were transported to airports across Europe but many others were still trapped at the airport in Kabul. Since the Taliban occupied Do Kabul on August 15, the commanders of this Islamic movement have sought to reassure the Afghan people and outside countries that they won't seek to revenge and respect the rights of women and girls according to Islamic Law. Some Afghan people are suspicious before this statement when the previous ruler in the 1990s, the girls were not pH Forced to go to school, women do not work and they have to wear discreet and unable to leave the house without men with accompanying. People who violate the above rules can be humiliated and hit public dam, reuters said.

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