‘apple Tree Blooming’ Episode 56: Hanh Hanoi For Hands!

In episode 56 films of apple trees blooming flowers, Hanh efforts to take care of the jewel and go to the hospital for liver testing. Hanh wants to donate to her husband but Ngoc does not agree, arresting the sister is Chau to cancel the test results Downloaded / 00/1: 29nam southern sick, Ngoc still hid his wife to work for a car repair shop in the village. Knowing, Hanh Catching the jewel must leave the job immediately. Although trying to be strong in front of her husband, Hanh always felt helpless, heartbreaking when the pearl was tortured by the pain, unawarated a delicious piece of vomiting. Hanh afraid of pearls will not be given until finding a liver donor

. If you don't let Ngoc go to work next to the husband's husband, the husband does not think of the focal pounds for husband and pearls for husband and pearls to contact Phong To learn about the donation procedure for medicine. He shares this thought with his wife and suddenly happy to support every husband's decisions. Hanh follow the jade to the hospital, as a relative, signed an agreement for him to donate to him
Strictly understand and support her husband but she asserted with the jewel that wouldn't let him give up the hope of living. Every minute every second on the jade, Hanh tried not to let weakness into the psychology of the couple. Lie Ngoc returned to visit Dad, Hanh to the hospital to find her husband as a doctor to do a liver test , determined to take your liver to donate to her husband if she. Ngoc discovered and angry, did not want to give his wife to donate liver. After being determined with his wife and pearl to the hospital to arrest the test results immediately. Chau is difficult to think about the test results showing that the liver of Hanh is appropriate but in the end she listen to the jewel. Register to donate to the medicine with a friendship with Phuoc but still remember about the other in a different development, the residue still performed Responsibility to send money for virginity and silently monitor with remote architects. The treasure is becoming more and more close to the blessing but still remembers the troops. "Apple tree blooming" is broadcasting on the Vieon app and Vie Channel TV channel - HTV2, Vie Trítrí.Minh Khue
Photo: Cutting screen

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