Apple’s Land Is Reluctant To Housing For American Homeless People

The apple is trying to resolve the residence crisis in the San Francisco Bay area, to relieve the land on the Component Drive road for technology projects: 00/3: 37 namapple namapple is having a big problem With the grounds of the company in the San Francisco Gulf area. The number of homeless people who are "in thanks to" the empty land of this company is increasing. This is the crisis that Apple needs to solve. In 2019, Apple pledged to spend $ 2.5 billion to fight the housing crisis in the San Francisco Bay area

. However, this promise has not been implemented by Apple. Two years later, many people did not have home moved to Apple's empty land to stay and made this place a complex for homeless people. Housing crisis in Silicon Valley for several houses Cave on cars, Apple's empty land has developed into a horizontal camp of dozens of people in just a few years, the amount of waste is gradually increasing
Many new homeless people have come, they live in tents, mobile cars or even self-built wooden houses. Apple's bare land is taken on August 5. Photo: Bay Area News.Theo Sillicon Valley, Apple is trying to solve this problem. However, the company still faces difficulties because it takes a lot of manpower to remove wooden houses and tents. "There are about 30-35 people living in the area, with about 200 tons of garbage making the removal complex This is more difficult. It is estimated that about 65-75 vehicles are in Apple's empty land, Daniel Lazo, spokesman from the San Jose City Government Office, California said. The number of homeless people live In the Gulf of San Francisco has increased significantly in recent years, up to more than 30,000 people. When the issue is increasingly serious, large technology companies have committed to spending money to thoroughly solve the problem of lack of housing. Google, Facebook and Apple also promised to spend a total of 4
5 billion USD to resolve this situation in 2019.Mobile home cars are parked on Apple's empty land. Photo: Richard Scott. The housing crisis also became more serious in Covid-19 pandemic. At that time, the San Jose City government had to reduce the campaigns to interfere with illegal land, causing the camps of homeless people to be increasingly crowded. The hardship of Applesillion Valey said the vacant land is on the axis Component Drive line is within 2.5 billion USD commitment of Apple. Initially, Apple acquired this land to build a new technology campus. However, so far, this company has not yet started the project. In 2019, Apple promises to extract a part of $ 300 million to build a cheap housing for homeless people. Tigs Smith, who lived on Apple's land said that the promises of this company are completely meaningless when they can't help people here. "Now, what I need is a house for the child. Apple needs to keep the promise and perform the commitment, "Smith said.Tigs Smith, people living in the complex on Apple's land. Photo: Bay Area News. Also, Apple has spent $ 50 million to support the Destination Fund: Home prevents homelessness in San Jose. This model has come into operation and awarded 1,500 houses per year. However, Tigs Smith said that Destination: Home has not yet supported her and neighbors. In that time, the San Jose city government is preparing to clean a larger complex in West Hedding Road. And Spring, near San Jose Airport. The release of this area under the US Federal Aviation Administration orders, requires more than 200 people to relocate. To ensure the residence for people in this area, the city officials have proposed to build a area Temporary houses near the headquarters of the San Jose Police Department on West Mission. However, these efforts are hard to help people like Tigs Smith and her "neighbors" have a fixed accommodation. Richard Scott, former member of Santa Clara's homeless support group said that the greatest hope for them is still Apple's commitments. "I think Apple doesn't want to become the company 'chasing' people Housing out ", Ms. Scott said Khangtheo Sillicon Valley

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