Australia’s C130 Plane Only Evacrees 26 People From Kabul Airport

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on August 18 said the country was evacuated 26 people from Afghanistan in the first flight, made by C130 aircraft with a capacity of 92 people. Flying the first evacuation support of Australia Afghanistan at the end of August 17 (local time) to implement personnel to facilitate the evacuation of citizens of this country and the Afghanistan is granted visas into Australia. According to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, aircraft C130 Then left the capital of Kabul, carrying 26 people. According to Military Today, the C130 plane accommodates about 92 passengers. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison

. Photo: Bloomberg.Marperson Karen Middleton of Saturday Paper Information that the flight mentioned above landed into the Dubai city of the United Arab Emirate. "This is the first flight among many evacuated flights, Depending on the weather
We also note that the weather forecast this weekend is not favorable, "said Morrison Prime Minister Morrison told the newspaper. 53-year-old politicians said Australia has granted a fast visa for 430 people From Afghanistan. Canberra On August 17 also confirmed that people who came to Australia would not be expelled to Afghanistan. On the day, Prime Minister Morrison acknowledged that Canberra could not evacuate all Afghan people who worked with the Australian army. " We will continue to make efforts to help Afghan people close to themselves, "Prime Minister Morrison said. "I want to be frankly admitted that even though it's tremend, we still can't support all people who need help." It's on August 16, Australia said they will send 250 soldiers to Kabul Citizenship and some Afghan people have been granted visas after working with Australia.Australia to participate in the international forces by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), fighting against the Taliban and training Afghan security forces since the Taliban was overthrown in 2001.Viet of 39,000 Australian soldiers were served in Afghanistan. 41 of them killed here
On August 16, thousands of Afghan people pulled to the airport when the Taliban entered Kabul, causing a chaotic scene and caused many aircraft unable to take off, according to New York Times. US military force is controlling Kabul airport. The group resumed evacuated flights on August 17, according to Reuters. Taliban gunmen on August 15 spilled into the capital Kabul and took control of the city, while President Ashraf Ghani left Afghanistan. The crowd jostled on the plane in Kabul on the morning of August 16, the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan fell into chaos when the crowd jostled to find a way to board the plane after the Taliban spilled into the capital.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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