Beautiful Photos Of The Largest Moon Solar System

The Juno spacecraft of the US aviation and universe agency (NASA) has captured stunning photos of Jupiter and its ganypede icy moon.0: 00/1: 50 namdaily Mail domains on July 15 said the photos were taken by Juno shipped first and after making the 34th flight to Jupiter. Beautiful photos about Ganymede - the largest moon in the solar system - was taken on June 7 when the ship Juno flew near it more than any other spacecraft since 2000. Some photos showed the morning and dark areas of the moon, which was said to be the result of the tape process changing into steam. Some photos of tros volcanic mouths, one of the biggest and brightest craters on Ganymede

. Beautiful photos about Ganymede - the largest moon in the solar system - was taken on June 7. Photo: Nasa ganymede bright and dark regions. Photo: Nasang viewers can also see tornadoes on the surface of Jupiter and "pearl chain" - including 8 large storms turning counterclockwise appear in white oval
All helps us visualize specific to Ganymede - formed about 4.5 billion years ago, at the same time with Jupiter - and is the ninth largest object in the solar system.Ganymede is the only moon with words Separate schools, creating optical pole. NASA Scott Bolton's research house shared: "The animations show how deep space expedition is. This is a way for us to explore the solar system by See how it will be when shooting around Jupiter ".ganymede is formed about 4.5 billion years ago, at the same time with Jupiter. Photo: Nasra image above the Sao Moc surface. Photo: NasaThe tornado on the surface of the star carpentry shot by the Juno ship. Photo: NASA "pearl chain" consists of 8 large storms turning counterclockwise in white oval
Photo: NaSachuyen Explorer Sao Moc Thursday is expected to take place on July 21 to school. Juno began a 5-year journey to Sao Moc from August 4, 2011 and reached the goal on July 4-7- 2016. The target of this $ 1.1 billion probe is to learn the origin and evolution of Jupiter, looking for solid planetary core, mapping from schools, measuring water and ammonia in the atmosphere Deep and observing the optical pole. Juno has recently been able to solve the mystery of 40 years on how Jupiter created a spectacular X-ray explosion every few minutes. The mystery is answered in a new study of experts from London University (UK). Pham Nghe

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