Best Planet ‘eating’ Planet ‘planets

The roses, warm lid, Venus flytrap or Bladderwort or Bladderwort ... is dubbed the planet's' eat 'planet' planetary planets. They don't 'eat' live meat like animals and attract nutrients after decomposing the prey

. The shadow has a scientific name DROSERA Burmannii Vahl. With nearly 200 different species, this is a popular carnivorous plant in the world. They are found throughout the continents, except Antarctica
The easily recognizable characteristic of this species is that their leaves have a lot of feathers, at the top of these routes with liquids like water drops. Fur to attract insects. Every time the insect accidentally beans on the routes will immediately shrink and hold insects until death, then they secretize the digestion and prey will be "eaten" completely within one to come Two days. Warm lid with a scientific name Nepenthes, usually lives in a wet environment, especially the humid tropical forest area in Southeast Asia.Is, this plant has such a structure . The warm lid tree has two parts, the "warm" section has a long slim shape, containing gastrointestinal fluid ready to die and liquefied unfortunate insects into traps. Meanwhile, the "lid" section above can move quite flexibly to cover up "warm" when needed. When the prey falls into the leaves, the lid will quickly face down so it cannot escape. Then the prey will slide down to the leaf stalks - where there are many digestive enzymes waiting, and they are gradually destroyed. Tiger snakes mainly live in northern California and South Oregon, USA
The habitat is swamps, wet places, which can be up to 2m. Interestingly, leaves of trees bearing the shape of a tongue tongue snake. "This tongue" works to attract prey. When the prey collapsed, it will be sucked onto the trees and here, they will be submerged by a water to death, decomposed by microorganisms and plants that will absorb the upper water to feed the body . Catching Venus Flytrap flies are popular insecticide plants that grow popular in muddy areas in North and South Carolia, the United States. Caples fly with strange leaves with two pieces with joints. Each leaf has a sharp spikes. Inside the tree is two very sensitive hair fibers. Just insect beans and touch these two hairs, the leaves immediately closed the insects to prevent insects. Inside, the decomposition will flow to kill the prey and turn them into nutrients for the tree . The digestion process takes place within 10 days, after that, this leaf will open to "welcome" the new prey. The trap (scientific name of Sarracenia), often lives in the North American swamps. Leaves are close to the ground, each with a shape of a county, the leaves with a colorful lid looks like the stomach - where there are many secret lines to attract insects. When "sa trap", the prey will be pressed Sink in the liquid that tree secreted. Unlike other species with them, Sarracenia brings in a uncomfortable scent no different from cats of cats. It is found in wet areas in America, Europe and North Asia, butter plants (Butterwort ) As one of the strange carnivorous plants in the world. They use their adhesive leaves to attract, trap and digest insects. Special holes on the surface of the leaves secretly mucus that look like water droplets. It was the appearance of this "water drops" that attracted insects to find water. When insects are beans, the tree secretes more mucus. The prey will be clenched in this pile of mucus digested.Aldrovanda Vesiculosa, also known as a water-oriented wheel tree. This species is noticed because it is the only species that exists in the spending of their Aldrovanda of Droseraceae, which is one of very little seed trees capable of moving rapidly in the country. This is a scary carnivorous plant with extreme speed fast. When the prey falls into the trap, the trap will close in an extremely fast time, only about 10,000 seconds and start digesting the prey.Byblis, also known as the rainbow, originated from Australia. This is the only carnivorous plant in BYBLIDACEAE.Lá BYBLIS trees with rods, long and dense coat coatings. The hairs on the leaves contain mucus can stick insects. If it is not strong enough to escape, the prey will die due to exhaustion or asphyxia, because the mucus will cover them and cover the breathing holes. Especially, this plants are impressed by the fragile flowers From the leaves, usually purple. Flowers symmetrical two sides with 5 stamen curled towards one side of the pistil. Not like flies catch plants, byblis cannot move hairs or leaves to actively trap bait, so it is classified as list Item trees passive bait traps. Bladderwort is considered most popular predators with over 200 species. They are predicidates living underwater or wetlands, with small bubbles like small bubbles on leaves. These traps have valves set by multiple routes, inside the trunk will constantly pump water out , And it will create a pressure inside the bag of the tree. When the prey passes through the tree, the bait will create a

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