Book Exhibitions Celebrating 76 Years Of August Revolution And National Day 2/9

Celebrating 76 years of August Revolution and National Day 2/9, Hanoi Library held an online book exhibition at https: // With 29 materials, online book exhibitions Introduction to Read 3 main contents include: Party leadership and organization of revolutionary struggles, revolving governments; The August Revolution and the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and Hanoi in August History. Exhibitions to help readers understand more about the Party's direction, the role of President Ho Chi Minh in revolutionary leadership period 1930 - 1945; The movement of the August Revolution in the country in general and in Hanoi in particular, as well as the meaning of this great event

. Through exhibitions, the organizers hope to transmit any part of the struggle history Building water and water retention of the Vietnamese nation throughout the history length. In particular affirming the triodom of the era, the historical meaning of the August Revolution and National Day September 2, 1945 - a milestone of Hao Hung of the Vietnamese nation. The August 1945 is successful Great of our people since the party had a leadership party, opening a great turning point in the Vietnamese national history process
This is the landmark continuing the heroic history of the nation, marking the victory of nearly a stubborn century against colonialism and feudality. Our people from the slave status have become the owner of the country, owning their destiny. On September 2, 2945 in Ba Dinh Square History, President Ho Chi Minh has read the "Declaration Setting up "birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam), opening a new era - ethnicological era of independence associated with socialism.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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