Carpenter Vietnamese Ferrari Made Wood To Tay Newspaper

The supercar gift is made of wood to give the son of the worker who attracts a lot of interest of international readers.0: 00/1: 46 nam nuoiNam here, the famous newspaper carscoops has posted it Carpenters from Vietnam can handmade on wood with the most basic handheld and electrical tools, creating a great-scale automotive model. For its latest projects, craftsmen The public invested about 70 days to create a copy of Ferrari GTO 250 from wood to give a dear son. The project is divided into two large stages. The first part is focusing on the chassis that has been used as a basis for the car

. Then carved a meticulous body to have a similarity of Italian brands. The car was meticulously meticulous by the carwork through two important stages of vehicles mainly made from steel and equipped with small electric motors, Function suspension and driver price. After that, the worker had installed the large parts of the wooden body on the chassis, including both sides and the rears
He pasted a series of other wooden parts on the car, including the front shields and its bonnet. When the glue was dry, the worker took a machine saw out and embarked on actually making the car look like a real GTO 250. Besides, the owner of this super product also faces many difficulties When using an opaque and a hammer to create some of Ferrari's most iconic details, including vents on the front glass. He even equipped the turn light, functional headlights, self-seats, steering wheels and wooden dashboards. The worker with his son is very proud to drive the car. Video: YouTube characters As we can imagine, the recreation of round lines of Ferrari GTO 250 from wood will take a lot of time. But when watching the movie, the shape of the original car gradually appears. After finishing, the worker with his son proudly driving the car down the street and attracted many gazes from the roads.An Trongtheo Carscoops

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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