China Tighten Monitoring For Ipo Valuation
Recently, China's securities management agencies punished 19 investors held when authorities are increasingly monitoring valuation behaviors according to a more liberalized listing system : 00/1: 25 Southern Star School - China's Nasdaq-style New Technology Council, is seen after the first batch listing ceremony of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Shanghai, China. (Photo: Reuters) In the middle of 2019, China has launched the Star market mainly focused on technology in Shanghai, along with the introduction of the first public stock issuance system (IPO) according to Phong The United States in the market. The Chinese Securities Association (SAC) said at the end of Friday (August 13), a recent general investigation with Shanghai Stock Exchange on IPOs of Star has discovered the issues of 19 investors organized.Sac said in a notice, which are mistakes for issues including weak internal control, the facility determines the price reason, not complying with the processes of regulating and storing work papers are not properly. A insurance company has temporarily banned from participating in the organization of IPO registration, while eight fund companies and one Property managers have been banned from participating in the stock issuing market in a month, according to statement