Cho Ray Hospital Provides 30 Free Remote Health Advisory Phone Numbers

From 9am on August 12, Cho Ray Hospital officially organized consulting, telephone or video calling (video calling) for patients with dispaid pathologists Covid-19.02: 00/2: 44nam Southern Doctor - Dr. Nguyen Tri Thuc, Director of Cho Ray Hospital, currently many provinces implementing social ways of socially stretching, the restriction of movement causes patients in the provinces that are difficult to visit the hospital for examination. Especially for patients with chronic diseases, temporarily medical examination of local diseases or having to obstinate when using a new prescription .

.. This has caused no less anxiety for patients, influences section Come on the progress of the disease. Book of 30 phone numbers of Cho Ray Hospital for free medical examination, Cho Ray Hospital provides 30 mobile phone numbers, representing 30 specialty from endocrine, heart circuit, orthopedic injury, neurological, respiratory, digestion, urinary, kidneys, mitigation care
.. Permitative activities 24 / 24h to advise, check by phone or video call (call video ) for patients. All consultants are completely free. This activity helps patients stabilize the spirit, so that the patient's relatives can take care of their loved ones according to each specific pathology, and detect in time. Time of abnormal signs of the disease, avoiding the patient to take the emergency in unnecessary situations, resulting in the risk of infection of Covid-19, but does not allow patients to become seriously taken to the hospital, Meat the time of gold treatment for patients. To save time for consultancy, Cho Ray Hospital recommends that patients need online medical advice (not Covid-19), contact via number The phone of specialty needs to see. For example, want to advise on cardiovascular disease, contact phone number 0911 825 962; Ear Nose Throat Contact 0911 825 956 ..
"The program aims to support patients, has the opportunity to access a specialist who has treated him before to continue consulting on medicine and activities, Practice to limit the maximum pathology, reduce the events ", Dr. - Dr. Hoang Van Sy, Head of Cardiovascular Department, Cho Ray Hospital said. Before that, VOV also gave information Phone numbers of 131 doctors, experts of Ho Chi Minh City and some other provinces but well understood about localities and medical facilities in Ho Chi Minh City, including public health and private retirement Connecting the implementation of a free health counseling campaign for city people without Covid-19. Concerning the prevention of Covid-19, recently, Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health has announced the list 44 Health care counselors for people, including associate professors, doctors, doctors, specialists 1 and specialist 2 comes from many different specialists such as controlling infections and heart Circuit, dermatology, traditional medicine ... Outside Out, Ho Chi Minh City also has a 1022 portal for health care advice for people. People only need to call 1022 - Press 3 or phone number for information, reflection, suggestions for Ho Chi Minh City leadership issues related to the prevention of Covid-19./.Kim Dung / VOV-HCMC

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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