Choking The Words ‘i Try To Go Up’ To Send My Wife With Covid-19

The past days, 'residents' are moved to the story of 'Old couple who given each other's breathing machine' posted on Personal Facebook page of Dr. Le Van Thieu, Emergency Department - Central Tropical Hospital .0: 00/3: 46 South Southern "71 years. The two children are married, not to help each other. Now anyone who loses, the person who stays must be responsible

. I try to go up". Mr. A sent Mrs
L at the emergency department. Photo: Facebook Character. Ms. L and Mr. A suffered Covid-19 was treated at the Central Tropical Disease Hospital. Photo: Dr. Le Van Thieu Cung Level. The main object in the story is Ms. Tran Thi L (71 years old), with her husband Mr. Tran Ngoc A (72 years old), Thanh Tri district, Hanoi
The two grandparents are detected positive SARS-COV-2 On July 26, treatment at the Ha Dong General Hospital. On the Facebok page, Dr. Thieu Writing: "The woman finally chooses to sacrifice for the family, sacrifice for her husband, give me any though. .. Her brain is lacking oxygen, although she is breathing without slightly, even though she still whispered said We. Unfortunately for her, we didn't lack the machine ". According to the doctor's words, in the family, a person with Covid-19 was the whole house infected. Patient's family A and Mrs. L also did not exception. They stayed in the hospital in a very heavy condition. Through the days of respiratory support unsuccessful, the status of both grandparents will worse ... and she has indicated the intervention to put the breathing tube. After the doctors explained, Ms. L needs to be interfered to ensure the oxygen level for the body. She thought immediately to yield to him ... "We have to try to explain that each patient needs a different treatment approach and oxygen is the same as the medication, the right dosage, on time , Not too much but not too little. His case needed to continue tracking, no need to intervene as soon as she. Looks like she was not convinced for that. We only let her look at the corner of the engine room: "She is assured! We don't miss you," said Dr. Le Van Thieu. The medicine, doctors and night treatment for patients with Covid-19 . Photo: Facebook Character. The day after his illness became severe, lung lungs are more serious, forced to specify the intubation tube. However, after that, his disease gradually progressed well. Mr. A was rested by the machine and withdrew the intubation tube, switching to oxygen breathing mode as before. He was as risen again, but looked at her bed next to him, his tears still rolled down his cheek ... "Date 12 / 8, it rained quite loudly, but perhaps a beautiful day with both grandparents, when she was withdrawn the pipe turned into a normal oxygen breathing. She intervened after half a day. Luckily, the two grandparents are Meeting the breathing machine and progressing well, "said Dr. Thieu Sharing. Change with reporter Newspaper News, Dr. Le Van Thieu said:" Just the patient progresses well, is us funny. When the disease Nhan is discharged home, the doctor considers it G Big ". Read the story of Dr. Sharing on the network, everyone feels choking on the couple's affection of the old 2 elderly. In the context of translation of Covid-19 stressful movements, medicals, doctors are dedicated to the healing day for patients with Covid-19, the promise of determination of Thieu's doctor, as well as his colleagues: "She is assured! We don't miss you. We will save all two grandparents" make everyone thrill. The loving encouragement of medicals and doctors in the first level of epidemic prevention and the promise of determination to win to return, making people feel warm, although anti-epidemic battles are still fierce, chong thorns . A detail makes everyone choking when trying to read the handle with his trembling letter A sent to his wife, was introduced by doctors on the network. That letter was source of the story as follows: Dark 12/8, When taking care of him, the nursing female asked: "Do you have something to ask you, let us help". He was whispering, trying to speak but unknown. His throat was affected after laryngeal intervention. The nursing female rushed to give him a sheet of paper and the pen. Inside the Emergency Resuscitation of the Central Tropical Disease Hospital. Photo: Photo: Facebook Character.Tay is still trembling, Mr. A slowly wrote every word: "71 years. The two married, did not help each other. Now anyone who left, who stayed RESPIRIES. EM, try to go up ". The letter later was nursing by the female nursing to the bed to the sick bed, reading it to Mrs. L. That made us very touched, "Dr. Thieu remembers remembering. Many social network users expressed their thanks to Dr. Thieu shared a touching story; At the same time, wish the whole body, the doctor Multi-health tropical hospital Multiple health. Phuong Phuong / News newspaper

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