Clip: The Girl Panicked When She Saw A Cobra 2m Long Cow Into The Living Room

Seeing the cobra is about 2 meters long being crawling into the living room, the girl kicks instantly jumped up and calls rescue.0: 00/0: 54 nam 0000: 00/00: 24 clip: newsflares the job at A housing in Songkhla Province, southern Thailand and has been recorded by the surveillance camera. Specifically, a girl who is lying on the telephone invisible sofa is unexpected to find a cobra snake into the living room . Panic, the girl immediately stood up and called the rescue force. Local rescue after receiving the telegraph was quickly present to handle the case

. It is known that the snake was arrested and released naturally. Cobra often lives in the delta, tropical forest, fields and densely populated areas. They often eat rodents, toads, frogs, birds and other snakes
Mouse diet led them to human life areas including farms or suburbs. Venom of cobra lords contain nerve toxins and toxins harmful to Tim.Hai Van (T / H)

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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