Contraception With Vaginal Diaphragms
The diaphragm is a dome-shaped contraceptive device that fits in and fits tightly in the cervix.
To prevent pregnancy, the diaphragm must fit snugly on the cervix. The doctor will have to measure the vagina to choose the correct size, suitable for each case.
The doctor or nurse will also give instructions on how to insert the diaphragm and how to remove it. And also read the instructions for use from the companies that make use of the vaginal diaphragm
To make sure you know how to use the vaginal diaphragm properly, it's best to practice putting it in and out right at the clinic. The doctor will also examine and observe whether the diaphragm is suitable for each case.
To minimize the risk of pregnancy, you must know how to use the diaphragm correctly and to use it every time you have sex
You can use vaginal diaphragms and use spermicide to prevent pregnancy.

Get ready for the diaphragm
Before placing the diaphragm into the vagina, pour 1 teaspoon of spermicide or cream into the diaphragm (as shown). Apply gel around the diaphragm mouth with your hand. Do not use lubricants or ointment creams used to lubricate the vagina (such as Monistat) because they can create small holes in the diaphragm.
Insert the diaphragm into the vagina
The diaphragm may be inserted into the vagina in a lying, squatting or standing position with one foot on the seat. Extending your legs, slightly bending your knees can make it easier
Use one hand to fold the diaphragm in half with an arched bottom (as shown below).

Place the diaphragm into the vagina, toward the coccyx (as shown below), pushing the diaphragm into the vagina as deep as possible.
Using one finger, push the front rim of the diaphragm up directly behind the pubic bone, toward the navel.
Check the placement of diaphragms
Use your fingers to feel the cervix in the dome of the diaphragm. Cervical feeling firm but not hard. Similar to the tip of the nose.
If the diaphragm does not completely cover the cervix or the cervix is not felt, it is due to an incorrect placement of the arch. Need a diaphragm, add spermicidal gel and put in again.

The vaginal diaphragm will not fall off when you cough, squat, defecate or walk. If the diaphragm is in the correct position when performing the above movements, the front edge of the diaphragm rim is at the right edge of the pubic bone (see figure).
After sex
Here are the important points to remember after sex:
Leave the diaphragm in place for at least 6 hours after sex.
If having sex again within 6 hours, spermicide gel must be added to the vagina, but do not remove the diaphragm to apply the gel.
Remove the diaphragm from the vagina 6 to 12 hours after sex.
Do not leave the diaphragm in the vagina for more than 24 hours. This can lead to infection, irritation or even toxic shock complications.
Do not douche while the diaphragm is in the vagina.

When removing the diaphragm, pull the hook in front of the diaphragm rim and pull it out. Avoid letting your nails tear the diaphragm. Diaphragms should not be placed during menstruation. Other contraception is needed during this time.
Preserving the diaphragm
After removing the diaphragm, wash it with soap and water, wash and allow to dry. Always store the diaphragm in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
Check regularly for holes, tears or leaks by adding water and checking for leaks.
Replace diaphragms after 1 to 2 years of use.

When to contact a doctor
Contact your doctor if any of the following apply:
Trouble urinating, pain or difficulty urinating.
Vaginal itching or abnormal discharge.
High fever (this may be a sign of toxic shock).
You can also call your doctor if the diaphragm has a hole or not fit. Diaphragms that have any problems that need to be replaced, if used, increase the risk of pregnancy.. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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