Daily Habits Cause Veins

Varicose veins are the situation of many people encountering, avoiding some of the following daily routines can significantly improve floating vascular phenomenon, this swelling of this edema.0: 00/2: 45 Southern swelling veins , floating length is the expression of varicose veins - the situation that many people encounter. Although it is not dangerous, this causes certain discomfort. Although they cannot prevent them from appearing, there are some actors that everyone done daily, causing veins to bulges. For those with veins that are vulnerable, avoiding the following actions can truly improve this unwanted status

. Foot hair rhyme shaved into a hurry in a hurry is not good for the vein. Incorrect shaving can cause feather cystic inflammation, burning and affecting veins that are prone to bleeding. Most people shave their feet during warm or hot water, if accidentally scratching their feet with a razor, the heat can cause more bleeding
To prevent this situation, use a razor suitable for the skin and with foam or shaving cream. Do not ex-exfoliate although exfoliating will not prevent veins, but massage the foot when applying the product Some part also improves this situation. It stimulates blood flow, helping veins not stalled. In addition, improved blood circulation helps to speed up the production of collagen and keep the legs smooth. Use the person who can have heard the advertisement or advice on massage methods with a dry brush , but in fact this is harmful to vein more than beneficial. If using a dry brush too often or too strong, brush feathers can cause small cuttings on the skin, making veins susceptible to spontaneous bleeding and infections. Continue to run exercise certainly Preventing venous veins, but some exercises are the opposite. Although the jogging itself will not cause veins, it creates an environment that makes this situation worse. When running, the amount of blood rise can damage the veins and make the blood difficult to save through everyone's legs. Too many roads can cause the blood pressure to increase, damage and make venous weak
It can also cause inflammation of blood vessels, making them difficult to pump blood properly, making veins relax and bulge. In fact, even choosing to replace healthier sweets, such as dried fruits, often very rich in calories and sugar, nor good for people with varicose veins wearing beltsFee are vein veins , try to review the costumes or wear. Sweated clothes cause blood circulation and bloody blood flows from the rest of the body. Instead of wearing a waist or wearing bundled jeans, choose more spacious and vein clothes that will really be "easier to breathe". Straightening of the back when sleeping can help prevent wrinkles from appearing on the face, but It is not suitable for people with varicose veins. Sleeping to the left is a good choice for these people because it reduces the pressure on the biggest vein of the body on the right. It will help enhance blood circulation and prevent blood to accumulate in veins.Huong Giang (according to: Bright Side)

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