Disaster Misunderstanding Causes You To Increase The Risk Of Skin Sunburn

Entrance Must the following mistakes that make you increase the risk of sunburning DA.0: 00/1: 48nam Northern Northern sunshine machine? Artwork. Sunny (sunburn) caused by direct contact, during the time Long time of the skin with ultraviolet rays from the sun. Even when it is shady, cloudy, you can also be sunburn because the clouds cannot prevent ultraviolet rays that affect the skin. Some cases are sunburned due to excessive contact with ultraviolet rays Out of the bed with skin dyeing

. What is the sunlight? After 3-5 hours of exposure to the sun, you can appear signs of sunburn, including: the contact skin is red, board Light red head after the red level keeps increasing and weighs most of 12-24 hours after exposure to ultraviolet rays. After 1-3 days of red supporting skin and becoming a darkness and lightweight scales, make sure that the skin is sunburned with Daalok Vij, dermatologists at Cleveland Hospital (USA), said many anti-products Aging and acne works by thinning the outer skin layer or adjusting the production of melanin, a natural pigment acts as a sunscreen barrier. However, if these products contain retinols or vitamin A, acid glycolic or salicylic, or hydroquinone, the skin can be more vulnerable by the sun
News you believe or not, some perfumes can make your skin more sensitive to light Sun. Sonia Batra, dermatologist on The Doctor, said the fragrant perfume of lavender, cedar, rosemary, bergamot wood and sandalwood often contain sensitive chemicals, according to Reader. This incense is exposed to sunlight, they can irritate the skin and increase inflammation of inflammation. Niacin deficiency diet (vitamin B3) is involved in increasing sensitivity to the sun, doctor Alexis said. Meat, mushrooms, peanuts and cereals are particularly rich in this nutrient. Others, foods like lemon, celery and parsley containing a sensitive compound can lead to reactions like Sunburn. Cherry / consumer

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