Dry, Cracked Skin – Because And How To Overcome?

If in the summer, you or busy dealing with greasy skin condition, the oil to coagulate autumn struggled to endure the burning itch caused by dry skin, chapped. It's going to get cold and then, you already know how to fix this situation yet? 0: 00/7: 02Nu domain NamVi stars skin easy to dry, burning red in the winter? When winter on, your skin not enjoy the cool weather, cool how long it has quickly become dry, irritated stretch? And surely you will not be happy to know that, the Center National Meteorology and Hydrology has forecast 2021 winter will come early. Moreover, the North will be affected by the cold spell punitive cold earlier and harsher in Hoang Thien Kim truoc.Theo TS.BS Training - Instructor of Dermatology - Medical Aesthetic, Medical University Pham Ngoc Thach, even if you have healthy skin during the remainder of the year can still dryness in cold weather

. Inherently, the body always has water loss through the skin from within. In winter dry weather, or when in a long time in air-conditioned rooms, this loss is even increased, so the skin is often prone to dry stretch, cracked. "Moreover, the habit afraid to drink water when it's cold use hot water often or cosmetics makeup contains alkali oil, peeling, use a moisturizer improper or inappropriate also becomes a factor promoting the skin becomes dry and more sensitive
On the other hand, dry skin rash can also be caused by taking certain drugs such as drug treatment of high blood pressure, allergies, acne ... not only adults but children also encounter this situation. For children, because the skin has no layer of sebum and skin elasticity is poor by a system of collagen fibers immature so resistant to any harm also much lower than those of adults. It is these characteristics make the baby's skin easily affected by the weather, especially when it's cold, parched skin condition is often more severe in children "- Hoang Thien Kim TS.BS Digging for biet.Canh sense to complications from skin khoBan know, body man is the miracle of creation. Even a small change, your body will also alert you, your skin too. It is important that you are interested, recognized early to figure out how to respond
• When mild dry skin, you will feel a slight stretch in the skin dry and rough. If the skin continues to lose moisture becomes more coarse, may appear cracks or exfoliative and often feel mild itching. • When dry skin slightly without care effectively, you can get hurt more skin to swell and dryness, cracking, itching violently. Sometimes, you also peeling layer of dead skin cells, so the skin becomes rough, feels like being moc.Da dry, cracked not only affects the aesthetics, but also offensive to you (Artwork ) TS.BS Dao Hoang Thien Kim shared: "Dry skin is not just a cosmetic problem, makes you itchy discomfort if not well cared for, properly also prone to complications such as inflammation of the skin surface atopic (eczema), psoriasis, ichthyosis, inflammatory cysts, inflammation of hair follicles lose hair permanently when scarring; some allergic skin diseases such as urticaria, disease freight cold ... even dry skin can cause cracks and bleeding, thereby paving the way for bacteria to enter, attacks the lymphatic system and blood vessels ".Tam particularly rough skin, chapped confident to welcome the holiday season a time hoiSau social long way to combat recreational services, many provinces have come back to life "the new normal". This signaled the festive season approaching, promises moments with many significant activities at the end of the year. If the former, you are "pampered" with many habits harmful to skin, then now let redress to quickly regain confidence shown Dao Hoang Thien Kim pho.Theo TS.BS, first make first by eliminating mistakes when dry skin care, namely: • Ignore the moisturizer: This is a common mistake made skin dryness becomes worse. Or many people choose moisturizing products do not match, the permeability is poor, leading to evaporate quickly. • Using harsh detergents: Use cleansers with harsh cleansers can cause dry, fire applications and dermatitis. Moreover, we can lose the natural oils of the skin, increases the dryness problem. • Long Hot bath: This habit can make your skin dry. In addition, it can cause redness and itching. • No makeup remover: Makeup makes your skin more prone to clog. No clean up remover can exacerbate dry skin problems. In fact, it can clog pores and cause acne. • Do not use sunscreen: dry skin irritated by external factors such as pollution and sun. Whether winter or summer, the UV rays persist and exacerbate the skin problems. Therefore, the use of sunscreen is essential thiet.Mat another to plump skin, all rough, chapped, especially the focus should moisturize properly. All you need to do is implement the strategy "in response - Foreign case". "In response," that is needed to provide enough water for the body by eating more vegetables, fruit drink enough water from 2-3 liters per day, not so thirsty to drink, instead every 1-2 hours additional water may be 100-200. "Secretary of" means

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