Emergency Contraceptive Pills
What is emergency contraception?
Emergency contraception is one of the methods of contraception. This method can be used in case of unprotected sex and worry about getting pregnant. For example, if regular contraception methods fail (such as a condom torn during sex), forget to bring your birth control pill or when having sex without using any contraception. pregnant.
There are 2 methods of emergency contraception
How to use emergency contraception?
Emergency contraceptive pills are also called "morning after pills" pills. Take 2 doses, you can take the first dose as soon as you have unprotected sex, the sooner you take it, the more effective contraception will be

Only one brand was used to make emergency contraception, called levonorgestrel. These are pills that contain only progestin.
The US Food and Drug Administration believes that some brands of conventional birth control pills can be safely used in case of emergency contraception. The number of pills taken per dose depends on the brand used. Talk to your doctor to better understand how to use it safely for emergencies
Another way used as an emergency contraceptive is to place an intrauterine device within 7 days after unprotected sex.

Mechanism of emergency contraception?
Emergency contraception can prevent ovulation from the ovaries, prevent fertilized eggs with sperm or prevent fertilized eggs from implanting into the uterus. Emergency contraception, unlike the "abortifacient" drugs, is taken in the first weeks of pregnancy to end a pregnancy. Emergency contraceptive pills must not be used to end a pregnancy when a fertilized egg has implanted into the uterus.
Unlike the "morning after pill", intrauterine devices do not prevent ovulation. But intrauterine devices can prevent fertilized eggs from sperm and prevent fertilized eggs from implanting into the uterus.
There are no studies showing that taking hormonal drugs during pregnancy can adversely affect the baby. However, if you know you are pregnant, don't take emergency contraception pills.

What is the effect of emergency contraception?
Emergency contraception is very effective if used at the right time. If used within 72 hours after unprotected sex can reduce the risk of pregnancy by 75 to 89%. It is important to remember that the drug is most effective when taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex.
Emergency contraception is also very effective. This method reduces the risk of pregnancy by 99.9% if placed within 7 days after unprotected sex.
It is important to remember that emergency contraception is usually less effective than other methods of contraception (such as regular birth control pills and vaginal diaphragms). Emergency contraception should not be used as a major contraceptive.

Side effects
Some women experience stomach pain after taking emergency contraceptive pills. This feeling will go away after 2 days.
Progestin-only pills may not make you as tired as a synthetic birth control pill. If you vomit all the medication within an hour, preferably another dose, talk to your doctor about it.
A side effect of intrauterine device placement is bleeding between periods. Talk to your doctor to find out more about the mechanism of an intrauterine device.
Who can use emergency contraception?
If you can take regular contraception, you can also take emergency contraception. Do not use emergency contraception if pregnant, breast cancer or thrombosis.

IUD should not be used if you have sexually transmitted diseases or are raped. Talk to your doctor about different options.
When can normal contraception start?
After taking the morning after pill, your period may come sooner or later than usual. Call your doctor if you haven't had your period within 21 days after taking the emergency tablet.
The usual methods of contraception such as condoms, spermicide and vaginal diaphragms may be reused properly after taking emergency contraception.
For birth control pills, injections, birth control patches or vaginal rings, tell your doctor when you want to start using them again.
Where can I find emergency contraception?
Talk to your doctor about how to find emergency contraception or get a prescription if you need it.

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