Encourage Your Husband To Exercise, The Wife Regreted Soon After, Asked A Reporter To Help

Worried about the health of her husband, this woman encouraged her husband to go to Gym, and she also registered to practice the husband but then she had to regret no longer after now: 00/3: 13 male The more people are aware of the benefits of sports exercise, including Ms. Doan Living in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. Initially, because of worrying about her husband's health, she advised her to go to Gym but not long after that she had regretted this decision. Ms. Doan was convinced to the room a gym in the area Area, simultaneously hiring a private female trainer named Xiazhou for her husband

. It is essentially common exercises so when the wife does not feel a problem. Unexpectedly, soon after the wife discovered her husband regularly texting with female coaches on Wechat at midnight . Suspicious, Ms
Doan stealth checked her husband's phone when he did not pay attention. Doan Doan had to regret after letting her husband go to Gym. Looking through the conversation, Ms. Doan saw daily husband and female training The tablet talked to each other, in which many words were not clear, completely beyond the normal training scope. For example: "You, you come to see you!", "If you don't visit me today, I'll be sad," ... Read these messages, the wife is extremely angry because you don't I suspect that she gave her husband to exercise that he dared to "stamps" behind her back. Doan Take a screenshot and print all the messages of her husband and female coaches out, total There were 140 sheets with many words that made her eyes. Besides, the wife also checked her husband's payment documents, contracts to buy courses and other information, so she found out her husband signed more than 20 contracts and 18 payments with numbers Money up to 270,000 currency (more than 950 million)
If calculating 400 currency (about 1.4 million VND) A lesson attached to PT, more than 270,000 yuan bought nearly 700 sessions, ie her husband bought a 2-year episode. Full evidence, Ms. Doan decided to three sides a word with her husband and her husband saying that he didn't want to divorce, ready to collect money. In addition, Ms. Doan also calls the female PT to "face", but the answer she received was not pleasant. "I don't have any 'dirty' relationship with her husband like I imagine. Because I can't make things like that, "PT Steeprint said. I know what her husband has a problem, but Seuzhou is that PT actively sends her students unknown words Such a clear, it is also a bad intention. Furthermore, the amount of money she bought the course must be refunded so she went to a reporter asking for help. Before the witness of the reporter, Ms. Doan called the temple but the other side wire turned off the phone, Cannot be contacted. The reporter went to the practice room in the sub-chau to work, but the receptionist refused to interview because the temple was not here. The new rejection refuses to interview because the temple is not here. Then Called the reporter, saying that her husband Doan only paid 40,000 yuan (over 140 million dong) to practice with the temple, the remaining amount spent to practice with other coaches. However, her husband said that he only bought the rehearsal sessions with the temple. Moreover, the executive director also said that between the people and her husband did not have any astrokes, it was only the owner Ms. Doan, completely inconsistent with reality. Since the coach has always refused to interview with reporters, the two parties decided to settle the problem through legal measures. It is unclear how the two sides have resolved.

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