Brown rice is an abundant food, vitamins and are capable of burning outstanding fat. Therefore, if you want to own a slim, slim shape after only 1 week, apply the loss-loss balance menu 'just healing' following.02: 00/3: 10 South Vietnam Bringing many benefits for health and helps maintain a balanced weight. However, not everyone knows how to use brown rice properly. In particular, the experience of loss of brown rice balance
. The information in the cell writes below will help you better understand brown rice and suggest weight loss from effective brown rice.1. The use of brown rice loss is preferred and selected for weight loss food is due to the characteristics of this rice
Lacked rice containing higher fiber ingredients 2 times higher than normal rice, so when the brokerage, the digestion process will be slower to make you feel no longer, thereby helping to lose weight quickly. Contains higher fiber components 2 times higher than normal rice should be chosen as food loss - internet image not only, fiber in this type of rice is also capable of strengthening metabolism and metabolism Support digging Rasting toxins, fat quickly. In particular, alpha lipoic acid in brown rice is capable of metabolizing and burning fat amounts, the amount of excess fat accumulates for a long time. In addition, the nutrients in brown rice are capable of creating muscle loss And tones similar to moving, exercising regularly.2. Weight loss menu with brown rice to reduce weight for 7 days with brown rice, apply the menu below every day. Note that you do not necessarily make this diet with fixed components, instead you can change the green vegetables in the menu in your arbitrary way to not be bored, while increasing efficiency weight loss.2.1. Breakfast: Roasted rice water and brown rice rice made: roasting 1 cup of brown rice with sesame oil and mixed with boiling water to drink when she woke up
The rice corpses after using you with cooking into rice to eat with sesame salts for breakfast. Especially, before roasting brown rice, you should not soak or rice, just filter out the bad particles are.2.2. Lunch: brown rice and green vegetables made: - Villy through rice and soak in warm water for 45 minutes to get more soft and flexible rice seeds. - You give both rice and water soaked into a rice cooker Normally. Feeling brown rice loss, easy to carry and bring high efficiency - Internet image- When ripe rice is ripened, you annealed in the pot 10-15 minutes for soft rice and blooming evenly. : To increase weight loss efficiency, while reducing calories in brown rice, add a tablespoon coconut oil when cooking rice 2.3. Dinner: Eat boiled green vegetables with dinner, you can choose any vegetables and eat in the quantity of likes, but note to eat before 8 pm.3. Some notes and experiences of brief weight loss rice brings many benefits and effects on health. Therefore, using loss loss rice need to pay attention to some of the following experiences: - Khirang brown rice, to save time you can roast rice with large amounts and storage in glass jars.- During rice roasting Lacked, note should not roast the rice for too long, so roasted with the big fire and the island steadily until the rice turns darker than the kitchen .- When eating brown rice, you should eat slowly and chew well, how This has just ensured the safety of the stomach and helps to create a feeling of no faster, thereby promoting weight loss efficiency. With menus and some notes, the experience of reducing rice balance of the above, after only 1 week is You can reduce 3 - 5 kg easily that are absolutely not harmful to health. N.Mai / Enterprise . Dịch vụ:
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