Explosion Of Gasoline Tank In Lebanon: Nearly 100 Casualties

This morning (August 15), in Akkar area, northern Lebanon had a gas tank explosion. Latest information from Sputniknews, at least 20 killed and nearly 80 people were injured due to the explosion. Red Cross Lebanon announced on Twitter: "Up to now, 20 people were killed and 79 people were injured," Sputniknews said . Also according to the announcement from the Lebanese Red Cross, it is still unwilled that the causes of a petroleum tank explosion. The Lebanon Red Cross staff at the scene of the explosion of the ambulance has been deployed to the present

. school case. The victims were included in the city of Tripoli City, most victims were burned at different severity. Before that, Al Arabiya TV channel reported, at least 20 people were killed and Up to 100 people were injured due to the explosion
In the meantime, according to MTV TV channel, there were 60 liters of mazut oil in the reservoir. The explosion occurred at 3:30 am local time (7:30 am Hanoi), soon flared up a strong fire. Witnesses recounting: rescue workers can timely control the fire. Leave the case, former Lebanese Prime Minister and the leader of the Sunni movement "Al-Mustacbal" Saad Hariri declares: responsibility for Akkar explosion Leadership. "The incident in Akkar was not different from the last year's explosion in Beirut Seaport," Hariri wrote on a personal Twitter page. Therefore, in a normal country, all those who are responsible for late calf, neglecting the segment - from the president to the final official - should resign ".bach Duong

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