Fixture Of Vietnam ‘tanks’ Team In Stage 1

According to the official information from the International Military Sports Festival Organizing Committee (Army Games) 2021, the official Fixture of Phase 1 (Individual Race), the contents of 'tanks' have been announced, Including the schedule of the 'Vietnam Tank Tank' team in Group 2, Table 1. Cynamroom, the "Tank Tank" Vietnam will play the first match (2, Table 1) At 16-17 hours (Moscow time) on August 23, respectively at 20-21 hours (Vietnam time) on the same day. The second competition (5, Table 1) of the team at stage 1 will take place at 10-11 hours on August 26 (Moscow hour), ie 14-15 hours on the same day (Vietnam time). The final match (8, Table 1) of the team at this stage will take place at 10-11 hours on August 29 (Moscow time), ie 14-15 hours on the same day (Vietnam time ) Vietnam "Tank tanks" Vietnam has a careful preparation for Army Games Games 2021. Artwork / Trong Hai

. The electronic People's Army Newspaper has information, on the afternoon of 16- 8, 19 teams participating in the contents of "tall tanks" have conducted draws to choose car color and lane. The Vietnamese team has loaded with red cars and played in Group 2, Table 1 with Mongolians, Venezuela and Syria. Table 1, Content of "Tank Gift" at Army Games This year has 11 team competition teams, including: Russia, China, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Serbia, Venezuela, Syria and Vietnam
Competitions of phase 1, Table 1, content "tall tanks". Photo: Ngoc Hung. All competitions of the team "Tien Tien Tang" Vietnam was reported directly by the electronic enemy army on the platforms: - Webiste: QDND.VN- YouTube: HTTPS : // Facebook: https: // // Information about the activities of the team "Tang tanks" Vietnam will be reported to electronic People's Army to continue to update
.. Ngoc Huy

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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