Flowering Apple Tree Episode 59: Excess (song Luan) Has Just Reconcile With Him Falling Into Critical Conditions

Episode 59 'Apple trees blooming' revolves around the story she has went to liver testing to save Ngoc, left the residual to fall into critical condition after the misunderstood defeated about him two.02: 00/2: 01 domain Namtheo, Hanh (Hong Anh) has taken her use (My Duyen NSs) to the hospital to perform the test and pick up her home to dinner, making Ngoc (Thai Hoa) frustrating out to avoid it. Get grateful to her mother who agreed to give the liver, happy rice pouring water, taking care of her husband with all the hearts of all. And pressed into harsh diets to lose weight, reduce fat. With a person who eats like ivory, fasting is a pole, especially for chickens

. (Song Luan) has also begun to change after reading Ngoc's letter. Although the movie has not revealed the content of the letter as well as the paths in the past, it seems that the misunderstandings of the abandoned him have been clarified. Running to find her cotton to confirm the suspects question and segment in your heart
After that, the residual return home, but didn't dare to meet him two but only standing from a distance looking at his suffering. Finally, the daredevil decision to do something for the Great Ca Tattoo, in exchange is a secret request. It's still sneaky to eat innocent without the membrane to save him. After all with illness with illness, Ngoc fainted at home. Because I feel sorry, ivory is determined to lock themselves to practice and dieting and dieting again, Ngoc shared with his wife that it was time to close to death he still could not let go of hatred in his heart mom. Although it knows that his health status is very poor, but Ngoc still does not accept her liver to live. The last set of 59 apple trees blooming is the final battle of the residual. The leading surplus of the new tattoo group to go to the battle with another gang. While scuffle, excess was stabbed a knife, danger to life. Witnessing the loss of consciousness to be dedicated to his youngest child, Chau was extremely jerky
Almost collapsed when announced that the surplus is in the deck of birth and family must be mentally prepared For the worst case. Chau decided to hide him and everyone in the story of the residual.

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