Follow The Shift Came With Mac Lan White Or Soil Lotus

Listen In addition to the planting effect as shade, very clean, this plant also has other effects such as Huong Hoa to marinate tea, .. in medicine leaves and lotus helps to lose weight, treat headaches, allergies, Reduce stress, cure asthma ..

. "Yesterday slapped the head of the country to forget the shirt on a lotus branch ..
", the day of the school of Vietnamese knives, to this sentence thought "true daily Old when love also soaked, romantic. Look at the slender lotus, the flower and graceful wings are so graceful ..., the sweat brown shirt on it only drops into the water, Pulling the flowering too ... ". But then the knife sentence kept luckily, not forgetting .
. even for five months ... Then, until recent years, I knew there was a kind Wooden tree, tall to 20-30 meters high, green, thick and dense blades - This plant has flowers blooming in lotus, pure white wings, smelling and very beautiful aroma, grown at the temple Some places in our country. This name is Magnolia Grandiflora, which belongs to Moc Lan (Magnolia) source In South America and in Vietnamese, there are very kind names: lotus land, lotus, shallow lotus, white lotus, cold magic tree ... Listen to the effect of planting making shades, very clean, trees It also has other effects such as Huong Hoa to marinate tea, .. in medicine leaves and lotus help lose weight, treat headaches, allergies, reduce stress, cure asthma ... and see the scene again Water under the moonlight, sparkling water, eyes, mouth glittering joy and silver white soil lotus also sparkling ... (information and net source image) according to the native of Xuan Vinh

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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