Foxconn Suddenly Encroached On The Field Of Electric Vehicle Components

According to some sources, most likely Foxconn will build an electric vehicle component factory to compensate for the smartphone industry that is currently leveling off. Share with investors, President Foxconn Young Liu Indicates that the company is planning to produce electric vehicle components in the US and Thailand in 2023, and negotiate with countries in Europe to expand the production scale. Tesla's electric motor. Photo: Teslatheo Nikkei Asia, Foxconn is currently in the process of negotiating with the US states to plan to build a factory to produce electric vehicle components. Besides, the company also plans to change the construction purpose of the chip factory in Wisconsin to manufacturing electric vehicle components

. In Southeast Asia, Foxconn cooperates with PTT Thai Petroleum Group Expanding electric tram factory and components. In the US plans will provide components for electric automobile manufacturing companies in the US at the end of 2023, single as Fisker. Foxconn transfer To the production of electric vehicles does not exclude the company will continue to become an Apple partner in the electric vehicle

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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