Global ‘thirst “chip, Samsung Heirs Are In Prison

Vice President Samsung Electronics Lee Jae Yong was convicted of bribing and got into the pardon today (August 13), the context of Korean technology 'giants' is expecting large investment decisions Being delayed for the prison sentence of the leader.0: 00/1: 52nam southern, president Samsung Electronics Lee Jae Yong. Photo: AFP "I have caused a lot of worries about everyone. I am extremely sorry," said Lee, 53, told reporters outside Seoul Detention Center in August 13, "I'm listening Interested, criticized, worried as well as high expectations on me. I will work hard

. "Connecting to bribe a friend of former Korean President Park Geun Hye, Lee Jae Yong - Son Duy The most of the President Lee Kun Hee - suffered 18 months in prison for the 30-month judgment. Lee has completed 1 year in prison for a 5-year judgment since August 2017, then received a suspended sentence . This decision of the court was then turned over and the sentence was shortened, Mr
Lee returned to the prison in January this year. The call for pardon for "Prince" inherited Samsung increased, both In politics, public and business communities, between the context of worrying that important strategic decisions are being delayed at the Korean Group. Mind daily activities of memory chip manufacturers and phones The world's largest smart is not affected by Mr. Lee's absence, but sources from the company said decisions on projects M

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