Going To Collect The Motel, I Don’t Expect To Know Your Husband’s Family

I just heard what I rented a room, I called my husband to solve the fact that 9: 00/1: 59 namdo namdo knows how to do business, less than 30 years old, I have built a house and a sequence In addition to 10 rooms for rent. A few years now we have ceded a room for her husband. Her name Tuan is studying university.2 The day before, my husband and wife will disclose everyone half the rent of the room. Because this time finds everyone at home, do not go to work, so life is quite difficult

. Come to every room Thanks to my wife's kindness. Go to Ms. Dien's room, I have a true problem
She refused to pay the room to be pregnant to my husband's son, hoping my husband and I wave took a child. I was extremely stunned so I called her husband down. Immediately my husband called her younger brother and asked real. Tuan was very scared and hoped for us not to tell her parents. He was studying in the third year, the future was radiant ahead without choosing, and went to eat with her too much sister. Tuan Bao was seduced, two rooms next to each other, every night she said and she slept again. Looking on this woman, didn't seem to have something she couldn't do. (Artwork) If Tuan has a child with a dignified girl, we are ready to stand out to celebrate her wedding. But Dien is a 35-year-old woman, replacing her boyfriend like changing clothes, often taking strange boys about the bedroom. It doesn't make noise affecting the neighbors so I have no reason to chase you
But now she sleeps with Tuan, it is a big story, her parents who know, we are scolded to slap. The mother-in-law is very happy, grandparents will never accept the daughter-in-law. Tuan also did not intend to marry but only play through the street. When we said no one would accept her, I would say about my husband and my husband. If people do not accept it, they will go to Tuan's school thanks to help. Look this woman, it doesn't seem to have anything that she can't do it. I am very afraid, don't know what to do? Everyone gave me advice with? (Minhhoa ... @ gmail.com) under TTVN.Toquoc.vn

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