Going To The Market, Supermarket Season Translation For Safety?

In the context of complex epidemics, traditional markets and supermarkets are crowded places where special people have to pay attention if forced to arrive in: 00/1: 48 nam subdomains below are some things to keep in mind Minimize the risk of Covid-19 infection when traveling to traditional markets or supermarkets.1. Choosing the moment the market on weekends is always the most crowded time at the traditional market and supermarket. Therefore, if possible, you should choose the time to go to the market on the regular day. If you go to the supermarket, you should not go in the evening because this time is also more than day-time

. Up the list of items to buy to save time, you should write out the items you need to buy, even categorize each item of fresh food, dry or fruits to the area to sell the item, we have It is possible to select a series of products without taking time around and around many times. The shields separated at traditional market stalls. Photo: Nhi Tien3
Order before going to limit the time to contact the seller, you should also apply for a phone number of the salesperson to reserve the item, the amount to buy before going to the market. When going to the market, you only need to hold the bag to bring back. This is a way that many housewives apply in buying diseases to ensure safe and convenient. Guaranteed safety distance If the area has the item you need to buy, there are many people standing, please wait a little more until they choose goods. Or you can switch to buy another item first, then go back to that area later. Always remember to keep a safe distance from 1 to 2 meters when you have to go public 5. Purchase at counters with separated shields Choose to buy at counters with separating shields between sellers and buyers to ensure safety for both sides. Implementing enough 5k before, during and after going to market / supermarket, everyone should comply with the 5K regulations of the Ministry of Health including: Masks - Disinfection - Distance - No gathering - Medical declaration. When going home to the market, everyone should wash your hands clean, change clothes and bacteria outside the food bag.

Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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