Hello Straw Hat

This is what happened. During the drama session that day, when he didn't have a teacher, the glasses pulled the plow hidden in the dust and I made a mistake when trying to suck, coughing. Thuy, there is a bigger mistake - Fathers of the Tin of the glass, tips the principal.0: 00/4: 12 men's all starting from a play. I found myself, my class, my school was too lucky to have a teacher and her - 2 couple, love and good art

. The man sang, the teacher sang and sangle was Maze. The school's culture is always far surpassed. The closing ceremony of this year he built a small play
Drama started. The American guys are played by you (in the same class but you are 2 years older and have a very American beard with 2 teenagers. A male one female is received by me and friends. Even though using a lot of tricks to seduce, beat the last 2 brave teenagers. Options to be thrilling, after the dark roar of the American name, 2 children are in the same time: do not know. " CLAP ". A slapping sky, her brother staggered and ... burst into tears
Really stunned, and even more surprised: The American got hugged me to deliver it: I'm sorry. Wrestled applauds and smiled loudly, the play ended in the Than Minh's words: home tree . Who knows that slap I have been replaced for water. It is like this. During the drama session that day, when he didn't have a teacher, the glasses pulled the plow hidden in the dust and I made a mistake when trying to suck, coughing. Thuy, there is a bigger mistake - filling the trust of the glass, taking the principal teacher. But the result is that it is very painful but the warm hug of the glass I understand. From there 2 are very close. And jointly housing with the thin girlfriend lip suggestion. Has over a summer. The rushing wind blows with yellow leaves. My senior school year. Looks like girls become very different. I think so because of the good student competition in my district, I was assigned to the Thuy Pass, wearing me forbidden to be small as a milderness to make me less angry. My glasses hit the army. It's 18 years old. Oh ... I also want to walk the team. You are a dazzling image. Troops cross schools, through the village. Rushing people welcome. Military positioned, strong bright eyes. I always hope to be big to enter the role. Without waiting, I want to go with my glasses. One thing to urge me is to cooperate in the whole women, the young wives are herself on the team. It was bored, it was hard to say. Mother cried when signed on the application for my enlistment. Health examinations lack 2 kg and I have to cry again. I carefully hang the straw hat on the wall. See Bui Ngu. Hello straw hat. I lost the whole afternoon to braid for you I'm me. The teacher praised was the most beautiful and most beautiful. The captain's hat, to another, it was a session at the beginning of the year, the Americans gave my teachers to enjoy: 2 aircraft around and bombed her nearby. Hearing the sound of the head, we sat in the tunnel as fast as a crow ran. Let when you go out, you don't get tolerant, tease: "Ta and you are born with a turmoil". It was the sentence in the second-level history post, followed me all the soldiers in the soldier. The first class pouring the rain was big and the heavy straw hat did I don't raise my face and be proud. Mother had to dry all night. But in the next day, we chose the words when she knew that she had arrived in front of 20m hao to drain from the classroom "semi-yang" - negative 60 cm. Sitting in the mud layer left over, mosquitoes are as much as rice husk because of the surrounding forest, but the students touched their lectures. For those crime of smoking row. She then carried the dumplings, to fine the teacher to eat rice and then go back to the foot, then add her legs to practice. The ghost girlfriend cried mats. Copper, principal, walking teams, bewildered student faces. On the road, I met the teacher at Cong Tum, the teacher in the transport unit, which was born in a morning with a heavy horse with a stick against me to cry like a child. I have reached the dream, get along Wave with glass, but quickly separated. She sacrificed on the battlefield c in 72.Mai I am the British .chia army, the neighborhood, you are very east. In the air boiling, the soldier offered the soldier's offshore was a dream of sending, how loves to love. There are 6 friends this time, the teacher came to break up. To my house is the wife and her homeroom with the instrument. The violinian girl sang "Hien Luong coastal side. Touchlessness. Don't store the lyrics, I would like to solke the flute: I still marched.Dì Pig

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