Horror Memories After Earthquake Disaster In Haiti

Winnie Hugot Gabriel is leading the radio program in the morning of 14-8-2021 (local time), the 7.2-magnitude earthquake richter shook the southern Haiti, making the audience terrified to run out of the road.0: 00 / 2: 44 Nou southern Oxiliene Morency grieving when the niece body, Esther Daniel, 7 years old, found in the rubble "Even in Port-au-Prince, you can also feel that. It was strong, "32-year-old journalist working at Magik 9 Radio recalls. She had to removed the microphone and quickly ran out after the tremor

. The capital of Port-au-Prince of Haiti, was destroyed by the earthquake in January 2010, did not seem to be damaged After a series of terrible natural disasters of the country in the Caribbean region. But the situation on the southern peninsula of Haiti, where the mind of the earthquake, is much more stable, with towns like Jérémie and Les Cayes was devastated in the earthquake that the government said that killed at least 1,297 people and killed more than 5,700 people. "I hurt
Horrible. It was a nightmare for me and anyone remembering the tragedy in 2010, "Jonathan M Katz, the American journalist who survived the disaster said. On August 15, when the rescue workers Efforts to seek survivors in houses collapsed, the relief workers urgently provide food, drinking water and residence for those who have to leave their old house. Many hospitals in the area are filled with heavy injured patients. Claude Harry Milord, Mayor of Jérémie town, said: "I'm walking around town to see if we can rescue more people Further and find more victims or not. " In this town, at least 100 people were killed. Milord head said that some injured people are being shipped to Port-au-Prince. People who stay are very needed to aid. "The town needs medicine, tents and foods because many people have lost everything," he said. At Les Cayes, the situation seems to be worse
"There are many people injured. Hospitals are overloaded. Some are treating the victims on the floor, "said Akim Kikonda, a relief worker and added that strong aftershocks made homeless people fortunate to survive earthquakes fall into love The danger. "People are really scared," Akim said.Rody Bouilly, a telecommunications employee in Les Cayes, said schools, hotels and supermarkets have been flattened. "What happened really very painful," the 40-year-old man said, "The town really panicked. Last night a lot of people slept on the street, almost like what we saw in Port-au-Prince on January 12, 2010 ".Winnie Hugot Gabriel, the radio show, said she was very sad When seen 11 years after the most horrific earthquake was recorded in Western Hemisphere, her country has not been prepared for such disasters. "We have not learned lessons from 2010. It's scary to recognize," she said.Theo GuardianMai Phuong

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