How Long Can The Teeth Be Eaten Normal?

Finished fillings have been eaten not to be a lot of interested questions. So how long will it be dining again after normal? 0: 00/5: 05 South Dung: 1. What is filling method? 2. Types of popular filling materials3. The time to perform fillings4

. Are the fillings to be eaten? 5. How long can eat normal? 6. The attention after the filling of the methods that takes 1-2 hours after you can eat normally
However, there are advanced materials and techniques that help you eat after teeth 1. What is the filling method? The filling is a method of using artificial materials to fill the missing teeth. With this method will help restore the aesthetics and functions of teeth that have been chipped, sparse teeth, deep teeth ... at the same time help prevent infiltrate bacteria. Filling also does not affect the gums, structure inside such as teeth, teeth and does not cause pain. Teeth is a method of using artificial materials to fill in the missing tooths (Source: Internet) Reading Add: - After the tooth extraction is drinking milk? Notes when drinking milk after extracting the tooth- Put the pile killing medicine? How to relieve pain when placing a marrow killer2. The types of common teeth materials have different materials and various costs for you to choose from: - Amalgam This is the lowest price method and made from silver, tin, mercury, copper, Mercury. The advantage is to withstand good chewing forces, moderate costs
However, the drawback is because the filling color is a piece of silver so it will make a different color, not naturally. - Composite is the most popular and aesthetic method, and also the most natural because of the color White ivory like real teeth. However, the durability is not equal to Amalgam but only about 5 years. Besides, this is also not a high-strength material due to a lot of chewing effects, especially with deep-sized dental teeth. , suitable for people with large chipping teeth. Just like composite is naturally ivory but the life of porcelain can maintain up to 7 years. However, the porcelain material is suitable for jaw teeth, does not apply to the teeth and position near the tooth of the door. - Golden point of gold material is able to withstand good chewing force, limited abrasion. But the cost of gold is relatively high, even 10 times more expensive amalgam. Some cases especially if the amalgam filling floor can cause you to pain because the reaction between these two metals creates the current. Diverse materials for costs, colors (Source: Internet) - GICGIG is a material made of acrylic and the composition of glass is fluoroaluminosilicate. Not only are highly strong, limiting cracking at the stain that GIC also helps prevent tooth decay. In terms of disadvantages, gic-colored materials do not have natural colors such as real teeth. Besides, you also need to see a doctor twice when using this material. The time to perform fillings in the following cases you will need to fill: Mild tooth decay: Deep teeth begin to have small holes and black and white dots. At this time the filling is a way to help prevent the attack of bacteria. Mild tooth ancestors: aesthetic teeth, bleeding tooth, ether to eat hot, cold or brushing teeth. For worse cases, the doctor will indicate the patient wraps the porcelain teeth when the patient is at risk of teeth loss. Broken, batch affects aesthetics, chewing functions or Éborn. Open to create favorable conditions for bacteria to penetrate, food stuffs interstitial, forming plaque. Is it finished to be eaten? So that the material is more durable, the diet after filling is extremely important. So can the dental fill? The answer is depending on the material and technology that the time you can eat differently. If you are using modern technologies, equipment will help fill tastes stable quickly on the jaw and vice versa. However, in the comments from dentists, you should still limit eating after doing to bring faster results. After filling, eating will reduce the adhesion into your teeth because this time the material is Gradually crowded and cling to the teeth. So best you should consult your doctor for detailed advice.5. How long can you eat normally? Normally, you can eat after performing fillings if not anesthesia. For cases of injury tooth, deep teeth will need an anesthetic to relieve pain. Do you have to wait until the medication has all the effects to eat, usually about 1-2 hours. If you use a filler like Kim or Amalgam, the time is eaten longer. So it depends on the material you use the filling to decide the time of eating after exceeding a long-term filling. Notes after fillings- After filling for about 2 hours, you should eat soft foods, limit tough and hard food. - Restrict food

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