How Serious The Oil Spill On The Black Sea Is So Serious

The original reports of Maritime Executive showed an oil spill at the port of Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) near the city of Novorossiysk in the Black Sea of the Russian LB.02: 00/2: 28 namPhoto domain: CPC Code of oil spills On the afternoon of August 7, when the oil tanker brought the Greek flag Minerva Symphony, 159,000 DWT was loading. LeuroNews believed by the Russian Tass news agency said that satellite images showed the damage from possible leaks Falsely reported, with a spill seemed to be greater than 400 times compared to the initial statement, including 80 square kilometers instead of 200 square meters and leaving a pollution trace along the coast and extending offshore. Russian prosecutors opened a criminal investigation on the oil spill with alleged environmental pollution and said they would seek compensation for damage. World wildlife (WWF) Russia Say that the overflow causes ruble damage

. The environmental group warns that the oil has spilled to the coasts of national parks and other protected areas and most oil already Dissolve in water, causing threats to living organisms and beaches. CPC port operator, owned by Rosneft in Russia, Chevron and Eni of Italy, has sought to lower the oil spill, Saying that they immediately issued a plan to prevent their oil spills. CPC reports that 17 reaction vessels have been deployed to the berth, including vessels and oil tanks
By that night, they reported that spill oil was blocked and the black sea water was being monitored and announced that the situation has returned to normal and does not endanger the local people. populations or flora and flora of the black sea. CPC has established a special committee to investigate the cause and conditions of the incident. In the report of Greek tanker quotes, CPC acknowledged that a hydraulic compressor was broken while crude oil Being taken on board. They said it was the cause of oil spill. The company continues to say that supervision is being conducted and local authorities and the prosecution office reported that sea samples "do not exceed the concentration Maximum permissible. State agencies have overflowed on the water and coast in the oil area flowing out and west. It has been established without signs of pollution, the water is always in a clean condition. " However, local people claim that spill oil has infiltrated Utrish Nature Reserve, Abrau-Dyurso, a famous beach town and a black sea production area. The Russian Institute of Science is monitoring pollution from space and until August 8, they said from satellite images they believe the oil has spread to the ocean
They estimate that it has an area of up to 20,000 acres on a distance of up to 12 miles .Lena

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