In Income Of 35 Million / Month, She Requires One Thing That Guys Only Know Silent, Sucking Up Early

Due to high income, this girl wants to choose a boyfriend commensurate with me.0: 00/5: 30 Southern nam in modern society, the girls also have different standards to choose lover, Choose your husband later. There are girls who need handsome people, have girls like a good man, Thanh Dat ..

. but also girls only hope to find a loving man, honest with me. Entering 35 million / Months, she asked for a thing that made a boy only silent, pitiful to get back soon, on a group of groups that attracted a lot of people on social networks, a user name was confided about affection mine. It is known that she knows a guy over 2 years older, talking quite charming
This guy was young but did the deputy room in a small company. (Artwork) in the first time to meet, his boyfriend gave her a moon cake box because of the next Mid-Autumn Festival. Both exchanged the current salary of themselves. T.H is not afraid to reveal its current salary of 35 million / month. She also made a severe shocking boy when he wanted his boyfriend to have a higher salary than him. After returning home, the boy said that he and th didn't fit and also suggested that it was a pragmatic girl, considered Money is all. The confession of this user: "I get 1 canopy. He is 2 years older than himself, this year he is 27 years old, and he is 25 years old. At first, I saw talking inbox
I see You are also good, 27 years old but have deputy room a small company but it's good. Until the day I and I appoint each other to drink water, talk. My original impression of him was good. Know In the middle of the moon so he bought a box of gifts and gave himself as soon as he entered ... after the curtain asked, talking through the speaker, he started having a ungainly question: - I do there Many? I am most asking about the salary, I'm not answering but only, just tell it like: - I do it for about 30-40tr, about 35tr / 1 month. - High, you do this side There are only over $ 1,000 1 month.- Yes. Go to the ungenciled question No. 2: - I don't have a lover right? Strange umbrella, have a lover, then go to date with you ... - Yes yes of course. - It's a strange person like me , Luong is tall, good but not ny yet there is a problem. What is the problem. I didn't say anything, he probably realized that he was ungainly. So naturally asked: - How much is this bag? Looks like Auth goods? Oh, I don't stop it now, I'm gentle ... - Oh my dear, no one asked like that ... - Yeah, I'm sorry, now see quiet so I don't know What to say ... Well, how do you like a boyfriend? - I Asia, first, the smuggled salary, the income must be higher than you, I don't need to know how good the kindness is good at Jiang So you, at least in that moment.- So what do you like is high? - I don't ask anything too much, the salary range is 40-50tr is okay .- High potency. I answered that question, it seemed that he couldn't afford it, so he didn't ask anything, he asked him to add 1, 2 saw him answer very much. Drinking water for 45 minutes, he told him to have to go first. I don't forget to thank you. Go to the room, change your clothes to go to sleep, getting a message is "I think you don't suit me, I'm too pragmatic, who lives together, We need mutual respect .... "." In general, it is a long message ... I just reps it "Yes, there are 2 children, I don't have a charm!" month is wrong everyone, tell me ???? I haven't needed a car, just went to work higher than me. "(Screenshot) The lines of this girlfriend's confide lines attracted a large number of attention from the online community. Many people Suggest that the standard of choosing this girlfriend's boyfriend is nothing wrong. Because the clouds meet that clouds, the difference in qualifications, living views and income will make couples difficult to avoid conflicts . However, some other users also assume that this girlfriend is too picky, it will be difficult to find lover suitable for me. Moreover, some users ask questions that you love that person because of high salary, When the person is unemployed, don't make money, do you still love anymore? "Want to have a quick lover, then lower my mine, don't ask for it, I want to ask for a full-time person love. The wind of the floor meets that cloud .... OK, but the clouds at your floor are not active to find you, have been in the same floor together, everyone has a price, it's not free but humble ", people Using Ngan Lan written. "You have a high-quality salary of the unemployment, changing your wife to change my new wife? Have to earn a high salary. Very drowned, "Cam Nguyen users commented." Poor charming "questions she should not utter in the first day of meeting" Do you think we have to go further? "Ask this question right away

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