Interesting Things About The Full Moon In July, The Soul Month

Less to know about the full moon in July, the soul month of some Vietnamese ethnic groups and Asian countries. Different festivals in Asia doors souls originated from China, later spread to other countries In Asia, however, there are differences depending on the culture of each country in which the way to show each place is different. Ancient times, the full moon dates in July is the ancestral worship ceremony of the central people National, originated from post-academic time of Hau Dong Han. The concept of this religion thinks Trung Nguyen secretion begins from the 7th day of the 7th lunar calendar (the day "Open the Demon Mon") until July 30 ("Devil Mon" day). Devil subjects in the Chinese concept of the Chinese

. At the end of this month, the hell door opened to the souls that were killed, died of death or death without a relative worshiping ..
will be up to Duong? The offering and accepting the Mortgage of the earthly people, as well as finding a network person. The earthly people want to avoid the souls disrupting or harming their lives so on the full moon day in July they do offering items , Food drinks and golden codes, mannequins to offer souls. Before it was for her soul to eat, then it was to pray for her soul, don't hurt me. In China, the soul worship ceremony was called Trung Nguyen, Vietnamese people read the camp into Tet Trung Nguyen, all of which were recorded clearly in the League of Constitution (玄都 大 獻經) of Taoism. This ceremony is often held in the afternoon or night because it believes that ghosts will escape hell at the sunset. Monks and teachers often throw rice or other small foods into the air in every direction to distribute given ghosts. Some East Asia countries, during this Ceremony often have live performances at night , including Chinese scriptures, dramas, music or other art performances. In July's severe offerings of Singaporeans (Internet photos). In Singapore and Malaysia, those live concerts often often Called the radio (歌臺). Everyone was invited to attend, but the first seat was always empty because this was where the ghosts were sitting, who unintentionally sat in could meet sucking, such as illness or injury
In Indonesia, Festival Commonly known as Cioko or Sembahyang Rebutan in Indonesian, means messy prayers. This name comes from everyone who focuses around temples, offering offerings for souls and provides distribution for the poor. The way the people to win the ceremony to cause confusion are the origin of the festive name. The paper depicts the hungry scene at the end of the 12th century (Photo of the Japanese QG Museum). If it comes to Japan on the full moon July lunar calendar, we can attend the Chūgen ceremony (ie Trung Nguyen), a festival also known as Ochūgen (お 中元). This ceremony is one of the three days of Sangen's formation (Tam Nguyen) of Taoism, sometimes considered Zassetsu, a term talking about a seasonal special day in Japanese calendar. In the past, this is an annual event offered by the souls, grandparents and ancestors; Now become a gifts for superior and someone's acquaintances. When I arrived at Laos, we will have a soul offering ceremony, a festival called Boun Khao Padap Din. However, this ceremony usually takes place in September every year and continuously for two weeks. During this period, Laotians believe that hungry demons are freed from hell, entering the world of living people. Another festival called Boun Khao Salak takes place immediately after the end of the Boun of Padab Din tray, is also a ceremony to worship the soul and the devil. In Thailand, a 15-day annual festival Called Sat Thai (สาร ทไทย), organized from September to October in Thailand, especially in southern Thailand. This is also a special soul worship ceremony of Thai people, the name Sat Thai used to distinguishes from China's soulful worship ceremony, called sat chin in Thai. Look generally, according to folk beliefs, in the month She soul in July lunar calendar, everyone needs to avoid surgery, buy a car, swim, move the house, wedding, cavalry to go out or take photos after dark, the other morning is not revealed address The house for the "ghosts" can ... Find the type "with a healthy abstinence". Different continues in Vietnam in Vietnam, on July 15, every year, there are 2 people's belief events The time is very important, it is the ceremony of worshiping the soul from the concept of Taoism and the Vu Lan ceremony originating from Buddhism. Vietnam has 54 ethnic groups, each place has practicing, culture Particularly, so the way to eat in July, there are also characteristics: Tay people, Ha Giang organized an unusual fair. The Tay in Ha Giang calls in July, in July, "New Year" is also known as the Lunar New Year in July. The market of Tay people, Ha Giang (Artwork). Because of a biggest holiday of the Tay community In Ha Giang after the Lunar New Year, from July 10 onwards, the air of New Year has flooded throughout Tay villages in Ha Giang. Accordingly, every year's full moon day every year, though it is not Sunday to meet the market meeting as prescribed, but

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