Invent An Algorithm To Find The Perfect Job

According to Izvestia reported, experts from the Russian National Technology Research University created a job selection system, taking into account the market analysis and candidates' characteristics: 00/1 : 23 Navigen illustration. According to experts, this will allow a person to quickly determine professional operation direction. Program will pay attention to the system of values, hobby of morality and morality, Because any work requires universal skills, which mainly depends on individual qualities. "This is a very important point: so that a person in the company achieves the result, he must be happy Phuc there. And he will be happy to go to his comfort and development area, "said Andrey Komissarov - head of the Board of Directors of the Data Development Service (University of Russia National Technology Research ) said

. In addition, the foundation gathering information about education, the previous job, the applicant's skills. After that, the algorithm compares this data with vacancies that need in the market. Another system forms a map of Russia, on which applicants can conveniently see vacancies in specific industries with specific salaries
Therefore, users can analyze which city work more beneficial. The special value of this platform is to take into account all the professional skills of a person and give a list of necessary skills For a specific job. Service is currently at the test stage, then it will become a commercial project. Experts believe that candidates will depend on the quality and convenience of the program.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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