Japan Is Committed To ‘maximum Support’ For Asean Envoys In Myanmar

On August 12, Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi had a telephone with Brunei's second foreign minister, Mr. Erywan Yusof, who had just been selected by the Southeast Asian National Association (ASEAN). of the block in Myanmar.Name Toshimitsu Motegi at a meeting in Tokyo. (Photo: AFP / TTXVN) In the reciprocal debut, two diplomats agreed to keep in touch regularly during Mr

. Erywan Yusof to assume a special role in ASEAN envoys in Myanmar. , Secretary of State Motegi emphasized the importance of Mr. Erywan Yusof's upcoming Myanmar visit, including early promoting dialogues with stakeholders in this Southeast Asia country
The chief MOTEGI Japan's link will support maximum, equal to all possible measures for ASEAN envoys activities in Myanmar to help resolve the political crisis in this country. About himself, Mr. Erywan Yusof Change on some of the current Myanmar sites and expect his activity program as a special ASEAN envoy in this country. Erywan Yusof appreciated Japanese humanitarian support activities in Myanmar with Total value is up to 20 million USD, since the political crisis in early February this year. C, at the 11th East Asia Senior Foreign Minister (EAS), on the evening of August 4, Martegi Foreign Minister expressed a complete support of ASEAN to appoint an envoy at Myanmar Part of the effort to resolve this political crisis in this Southeast Asia country.Myanmar falls into political deadlock from February 1 last day after the army arrested government leaders, counsels Region and state and senior members of the National Federation of the National Federation (NLD) with allegations of election fraud. After taking the right to executive the country, Myanmar army issued an urgent situation Levels lasted 1 year, and committed to organize the election and transfer of power. Day July 26, the military government has canceled the results of the election in 2020, in which Ms. Aung San's NLD party Suu Kyi won the ASEAN countries during the April meeting to meet 5 points on the Myanmar situation, which required immediate termination of violence and all the right side T enrollment, conducting a concrete dialogue between all stakeholders to seek a peaceful solution, ASEAN president's envoy to promote the dialogue process, and provide support Humanitarian aid for Myanmar people through ASEAN.Theo Kyodo Humane Assistance Coordination Center

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