Journey Overly

'Holding, enthusiastic and dynamic' is the comment of many people when it comes to Mr. Nguyen Tan Kha (43 years old), in Dong Binh village, Binh Chanh commune (Binh Son). This is a farmer shape that overcomes difficulty enriching with a general economic model. In a pure agricultural family, there are many brothers and sisters, so when he finishes 12, he has to have a lot of other jobs together. Faced with a difficult life, he was able to cook in his will to escape poverty

. In 2008, he decided to do and learn experiences at a mechanical workshop in the South, to have a stable profession. After more than 2 years of accumulating experiences and chips, he returned home to open a mechanical workshop. In the early stages, he met many difficulties, but thanks to the nature of hardness and dynamism, the work gradually stabilized and developed
The shape of the caught of the scene of Mr. Nguyen Tan Bi, in Dong Binh village, Binh Chanh commune (Binh Son). There are stable jobs, he has received free vocational training and stable job creation for many local young people, with an average income of 7 million VND / person / month . He shared, I went up from a difficult time, so it was always understandable and availability, helping local young people with stable jobs in their abilities. There are many practitioners after the vocational training has opened a mechanical workshop and built a better family life. Not only developing mechanical career, he was able to hand-hear on New Zealand rabbits and cuffs. For growing livestock, he went to study in many places and actively refer to books and internet to draw good experiences. Along with that, he was particularly focused on the vaccine injection periodically, ensuring the source of food, clean drinking water and regularly cleaning the stubbing area. From the original number of small farming, up to now, after nearly 6 years, he always maintained about 1,000 New Zealand rabbits, more than 200 birds of all kinds. Through livestock in organic forms and enhance product promotion on social networking sites, he is bonded with many customers, product consumption focal points, so the output of the product is always stable
Refer to determination and diligence, hardship, he has reached economic development from its own hands. With a general economic model, each year, after deducting costs, he is income for more than 300 million dong. The chairman of the farmer of Binh Chanh commune Pham Hong Nhan former, coming from family with difficult circumstances , he knew independently, rose to develop family economy with a general economic model. Along with free vocational training, creating jobs for local youth, he enthusiastically instructed its experience and support for many farmers in the commune to develop livestock., Photo: My Duyen

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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