Journey To Find God

The boy Piscine Militor Patel was born in a smooth family. Beside the family's zoo, perhaps only two things in this world makes him bother: one is how to make friends in the school that does not mock his name, two are going to find the purpose of living. Oscar "Pi's life" in the immature thinking of PI, can a person have many nationality, why can't many religions? PI has just worshiped Hindu gods who worshiped Jesus and had just prayed to St. Allah of Islam. Each Pi's moment entered a sacred temple that was beautifully painted by the author

. When in a Islamic temple, "My heart still seemed again every time I encountered the sign of God's presence in the sacred coward of a temple ..
my hands naturally went to the bridge posture Chew of credit ". These lifetime ideas, PI will only spend the only love and belief for Hinduism, then he "meet Jesus Christ" .pi came to the Christian to hurry, boiled but very natural like to arrive With Hinduism. The moment Father Martin said Pi was a Christian, he "thought he was about to explode because of happy". Only a year later, Pi's soul was enlightened by another religion- Muslim.Pi acquires all the philosophies of religions and practicing it in a separate way. Although according to a multi-religious philosophy, he did not put a heavy or light of a religion that every religion brought the feeling of peace and happiness in the soul.Ba religion in a human like three rooms in one The house, coexisting in a unified body, does not overlap, trampling on each other, every religion has its own philosophy, but when they coexist in PI, it seems that all three are one. Because even if it was in any temple or church, Pi saw the presence of God, which was more important than all of the country, making the PI family forced to sell the zoo and bring The beasts moved to Canada to live. When passing through the deepest Mariana groove in the world, the ship suddenly met the terrible storm, submerged all the crew, the family consisting of her parents, the brother of Pi and the animal
Only he and his tiger Richard Parker, two creatures always struggle constantly to win territory - the rescue boat in a little less food status. To forget my situation, one of the help Is prayer. Bright wake up is praying, late afternoon prayer, late evening still pray, the sunset prayer, sleeping night wake up still praying. Only praying PI feels for his existence Applications, I also have a companion, praying to feel peace of mind in your heart, looking for serenity in the soul between the surrounding volatile situation, and praying to see God always with me, talked and sent Beliefs to people. Only praying PI did not lose faith while staying with Tiger Bengah aggressively on a small boat between the immense ocean. Pray to reinforce faith in what before your eyes. Belief helps people do not let go of all but still a lot of hope for hope. Left the novel "PI's life", in the hearts of readers probably a lot of doubts and fret, that Do not know what is real, what is virtual. Does we should put faith in God? In modern life, technical science inventions are increasingly exceeding that faithful becomes smaller. However, confidence helps people become more "people", becoming the driving force to overcome difficulties, challenge. The unlock may not be anywhere, but in people themselves. It is essential that we have enough faith to cling to that or not, there is a relative thanks to that to overcome each adversity or not. "Pi's life" is the novel of Canadian writer Yann Martel, published in 2002. The book helps author to win the Booker. In 2003, English text, Life of Pi, and French text, L'Histoire de Pi, was selected for Canadian League Reads. The film adapted with the name of Ly An director also excelled to win 4 yellow statues at Oscar for the 85th time. Lam Hue

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