Just Think About My Parents Are Crying

There are times when you're happy, but just thinking about my parents are crying. Mother never defenses the child, so there is something sad outside, only trying to repress the emotion of the emotion in: 00/2: 55 names of the list of the exam when entering the exam, despite the exam It is important or not important, whether the semester exam or excellent student exam, I always have an unpleasant feeling. The image of parents appearing in the head and emotions, their body becomes bad. In the last year, I entered the end of the student's life, an important year for the child to prepare for a dream mine. However, I can't control myself

. Also because, ever, how to educate the children of the parents very much. Just my sisters do not achieve achievements like their desired parents, doing things don't make their parents crush, their parents will scold their children badly, making us hurt a lot. Mom does not pay attention Our feelings
The holidays like this, my sister felt no different from torture. From the moment of opening the eyes to bed, we always have to hear the fluids, with the hook. Heavy words that make me feel stressful, fear and hate myself. Mom does not know how your child has to fall tears. Confirmed, please and desire to have a psychological parents. Just think of the actions, my parents' words are fearful. I have a psychological impact that there are many changes in life. Once I eat a lot, I can't eat a lot, I can't eat a lot of people. With the subjects of his forte, they are no longer interested. Because parents always require high in children
From the baby, I always have to try my best to please my parents, especially about the score. The achievement of your child is quite good but my parents are still not satisfied, including a high prize, including children Stand most of the school. I study well but don't mean it's good at all subjects. Therefore, parents always force them to learn to study any subject. Failure to achieve the desire, my parents came out, scolded and scolded their children to lose confidence about themselves. At times to sadness, I would like to have a person who understands you so I can confide and share. However, once, I just told my mother, she poured all the error on my head. Mother said, how new children make you treat like that. She never defended the children, never stood towards the child. So there is something sad outside, I only know trying to repress the feelings. I'm always tired, all energy is so.con tried to talk to improve the relationship with her parents. I was very gentle but what I received was not as expected. I went straight to my face and scolded my children badly. In addition, the more children live quietly. I feel it difficult to talk to friends. Seeing you are happy, always loving your parents, the tears because of the body. Many days, because I cry a lot, I felt the body removed, the mind was empty, reeling. I know your child's psychology. I can't control my feelings. I don't know how to reduce your anxiety. I want to collapse and let go, my parents! K.minh (write)

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