Kim Lien A Tuoi – Relive Hanoi Memories For A While

With the desire to put a good part of his father as well as a very good feature of Hanoi, it is accidentally forgotten - the old collective areas come closer to the younger generation as well as what you love Hanoi, The author of the Dancer Work wrote to the book 'Kim Lien a Teacher'. On each page of writing, Kim Lien ancient image appears incredibly charming. There was no noise car, no dust of cars and motorbikes, but only the crispy laughter of the children played with each other or playing fake games, hiding. The rhythm of rushing, as long as the current rather lives with a slower, more human love, the residents of Kim continuously used each with the kitchen, giving each other a lemon and together with the whole toilet. That's it, it is general, but there is no argument or a competition

. Still the structure according to the familiar time line, the author draws the strong moves of Kim Lien. From a Kim Lien, the ball is still poverty of the northern years begins to build a socialist, Kim Lien of the evacuation years with full shelters, of the years of subscribers with long-term scenes Line up to buy a little rice, a little bitter, a little salt, after many years, it has transgened its strong into a crowded needle with modern facilities like today. "I write this book , in advance is to donate to the residents of all the period of Kim Lien area, if sometimes nostalgia for the past
Finally, through my story and Kim Lien collective area to tell stories to everyone, who wishes to understand more about a corner of Hanoi, who wants to know how the previous generation has lived, and People who are interested in history from a personal experience perspective "- Author to share a share of war. Nearly 60 years is the time that the author and family have been attached and lived in a collective area. It seems that Kim Lien has become an indispensable part of his memories and his family, it has grew up, mature and old by five months. And when everything has become a habit, a lifestyle, leaving is impossible. "Kim Lien a taught" is not hidden like "Memorial of soldiers" that author Dancer War was very successful, he chose giving himself a gentle edition, hidden in it was the mind that the author Where I used to stick, where he lived for half of his life, helping him to hold the gunman during the soldiers. Read the image of Kim Lien on his closer through his pen, Bold writing soldier. In "Kim Lien A Teacher" we also see the will of the fighting of a whole hero when a series of young people here are puzzled to the soldiers, pulse and fight the enemy; We see Kim Lien Nghiem later but the bombing of the enemy, we see the determination of the whole Vietnamese people. Later after those fights, Kim Lien grows as strong as today.

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