Large Pressure Of Samsung Vice President After Prison

After going to prison, Vice President Lee Jae-Yong needed to make great decisions, turned Samsung's situation to prove that the right to be paid early is 9: 00/4: 33 Nandong Lee Jae-Yong - Samsung Electronics Vice President - just released in prison on August 13, earlier than a year compared to the 30-month detention for the crime of entry and bribery. Lee is on the list of 810 people who are paid Due to the Korean National Day. The Commission considers Than Tha, as President's Chairman of the Korean judicial minister Kang Sung-Kook, decided to release Samsung leaders in a meeting on 9 / 8. 53-year-old leaders wearing colored suits Gray, wear a mask and leave Seoul detention center in Uiwang (Seoul). He only answered briefly with reporters: "I apologize for worrying about everyone

. I am clearly aware of interest, criticism and things waiting for me ahead." Hey, follow Wall Street Journal, Mr. Lee must prove that the special amnesty is
Lee Jae-Yong - Samsung Electronics Vice President - is on the list of 810 people who are released on the Korean National Day. Photo: AP. Large force when Lee was in prison, who supported him argued that Samsung had to delay investments, acquiring large and suffered strategic orientation. Now, Vice President Samsung has a lot of work to do.Samsung needs to select a location to build a chip factory and electric car battery in the US. The Group's biological pharmaceutical production unit must also achieve more contracts for more places in the Global Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing industry. In industry experts, they also need to spend a lot More to strengthen the position in the field of chip production. Lee will not return to work officially immediately. Under Korean law, economic crimes subject to a ban on a workforce within 5 years. Individuals are still limited to foreign countries
Lee Jae-yong will have to actually show its governance ability by turning the situation of Samsung's Mike in the Korean University, according to Korea Legal experts, Samsung's heads may only have to pause for a few months, even a few weeks. Economic factors will be the reason for Mr. Lee to be dedicated. The Korean government wants him to return to work.Samsung owns dozens of branches operating in the fields including consumer electronics, chips, construction and life insurance. Each branch has managers Professional and independent Council to operate daily activities. But Mr. Lee had to give the last nod for big steps. When he returned to work, Mr. Lee would need to prove that his return took Samsung from strategic paralysis. Because of the pardon decision for Vice President Samsung raised the wave of controversy in the South Korean public. "Lee Jae-Yong's pressure and Samsung at the moment were to show something, that Lee's return to create changes, "said Professor Park Sang-in at Seoul National University, commented. Lee's important decisions need to make important decisions when returning to Samsung. One of them is the position of a semiconductor factory in the US. Samsung plans to invest about $ 17 billion in the US chip factory. This will be the key to the Korean Group to compete with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) and Intel Corp. The group considers Arizona, Texas and New York states to place the plant. However, the decision has not been launched after 6 months. Wall Street Journal, compared with TSMC and Intel, Samsung is relatively slow in making investment decisions. According to Mr. Ahn Ki-hyun - Vice Chairman of the Korean Semiconductor Industry Association, which can harm the company in the coming years .Samsung has spent nearly 150 billion USD for the expansion of foundry and sutras. Business chip business until the end of 2030. But TSMC will invest an additional $ 100 billion to improve the capacity of chip production in the next 3 years .Samsung SDI Co. There are plans to penetrate the US electric car battery market. Photo: Zuma Press. "Samsung's current investments only help the company maintain its current market share. Group needs m

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