Learn Apple Balance Method, Drink Water Like Park Min Young To Soon Have A Perfect Body

The actress of Kim Kim's secretary made the people sobbed with a balanced shape, 'tuning' despite 30. turned out her beauty care and weight loss very simple.0: 00/2 : 02 NAMPARK Min Young is not natural. Her beauty comes from "cutlery". But to maintain that attractive appearance, she also had to make a lot of effort in eating science and practicing fitness

. The office is close to the body and fits, Park Min Young strictly implements a method of eating two meals a day. She fasted breakfast, only lunch and dinner. Food that this beauty often uses is low-fat, protein-rich, such as sweet potatoes, chicken breast, eggs, soy milk
.. can help people eat physically and don't feel hungry. Fat by dozen with temporary scenes temporarily, certainly must meet the perfect body in a short time, Park Min Young will apply a slimming method with more thorough apple. Apples will be food for the main meal, mainly eating to not feel hungry, combined with non-calorie and water tea. Apples are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, which can reduce constipation, help detoxify, accelerate metabolism and achieve effectiveness of edema. However, she also recommends that the last measure wants to lose weight quickly. Implementing this method is best not to exceed three days and every month should only be done once. Fatty fat by drinking lots of famous people who are pursuing slimming methods with 8 cups of water, Park Min Young also Le. Every day she drank 8 cups of water, each cup 250ml at 8 fixed times, a total of 2000ml a day at: Morning 9h, 11:30; In the afternoon of 1 hour, the afternoon of 15h30, 17:30; Evening 19h, 21h
How to drink such water can promote metabolism and increase the feeling of full before meals. Also, Park Min Young also holds with some daily small habits, including "noise Every time ". She reminds yourself to keep straight waist anytime, everywhere and stomach when walking to help with more balanced and attractive physique.Moon / according to Ettoday

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